INSTEAD, we all should strive to join literally anything not for the self gain but for the chance of meeting really cool and chill people.

And to those I have met, I sincerely apologize. I’m telling you, this is the mindset all FF’s possess which needs to change, big-time.As it just so happens, there are millions around the world whether it be online or offline that wish to be interacted and talked with (which is why they go online, because I mean someone is going to respond sooner than later). Because once you’ve identified and observed and noticed how truly fake your relationship with that person is….it’s just unbearable. I have definitely had my fair share of TF’s built upon what I once thought were strong foundations and great dynamics or terrific friendships. I just write to write, no plan in my head at all. There is no way to identify a Fake or Toxic Friend until it is already too late.

I’m definitely going to need a more professional picture.That would be truly great to experience and I already have had my fair share of truly terrific convos whether it’s been with one person or my counselor or my parents or a unsuspecting friend. You sure? If you’re feeling belittled, put down, uncomfortable or pressured, you might be dealing with a toxic friendship. What was I supposed to think at the age of 14, 15, and 16 (my Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years)? If you can see no way forward, here are some ways you might consider ending a toxic friendship.If your friend is being physically or emotionally abusive or making you feel like crap – for example, they call you names to put you down, physically hurt you, threaten you or control you – this is not okay. That everyone already knows this already therefore why should you listen? I have a very intense thing for deep and philosophical conversations. In high school I find friends, join a nerdy club, etc. Their beliefs, faiths, favorites, hobbies and more. Keep your group of friends that you interact with on a daily basis relatively small. I shoot up to a 4.0, graduate high school a year early with Honors. June 19, 2013 by Amanda Morin. Insane right?Oh, that photo. For example, today was about toxicity. Because he is truly a passionate person who loves to talk and immerse himself within a eye-opening conversation. If you do so, you’re just as bad as the TF’s and the FF’s. Dealing with Toxic Friendships: Accepting, Forgiving, and Moving On By Katy Cowan “Judge nothing, you will be happy. Your friend could become aggressive or cruel towards you, and you might lose some of your mutual friends. Because you most likely, most possibly were the one overcompensating for a relationship that truly did not matter in the first place. A fake person pretends to like someone when they truly dislike and hate. Love everything, you will be happiest.” ~Sri Chinmoy . Being in a toxic friendship can really suck, and it’s hard to know how to deal with it. If any of you know who Troy Baker is, I relate myself and compare myself to him as well.

Did I let our….Did I allow our relationship to fade away and crumble into the cracks of pretentiousness?? I believe that’s the most effective way of keeping away from TF’s and FF’s. Make a personal phone call. What do you think about it? That means: Have a conversation! They know how to enslave their victims and suck every little bit of life out of them. I hope to god that doesn’t occur, that approaching someone curiously yields a scared or apprehensive state.Have you noticed that for older people and the elderly, they are usually extremely willing to forgo any knowledge or personal stories that they have with younger individuals? I used to have a friend who wasn’t good for me. Forgive everything, you will be happier. I personally have had to deal with TF’s as well FF’s (Fake Friends) for a while now, each year of my High School experience, though I had no clue. So bear with the directionless of it all XD.SO all of this means that though I love to meet people and I will continue to be an extrovert, I will need to ensure that I keep my group of friends truly small but also develop strong connections and relationships with others I don’t get to meet as much. The seriousness of it all will vary but it goes in line with what I had.What I’m trying to say is…..Just take the time and initiative to truly know a person.

This is a pretty tough option and requires a lot of courage from you, the same way that breaking up with a partner would. Or cliche?