Many things around the map reference the number 115 like the clocks in some of the houses and signs scattered around the map like the one at Factory the says Days since last accident is 115. Left for dead 16 Call of duty-13A shrieker and a napalm zombie are walking into a room with two smokers on top of crates. Sign in here.You obviously didn't read anything I posted.He clearly says "Its just a little omage to Lost since those machines reminded me of the Dharma Initiative :)"Great thread though! This made the Shangri-La meteor the most dense case of 115 ever. So here it is:I've wondered if the reason we first come into contact with a 115 meteor at Shi No Numa is because it was Japanese scientists that first (synthetically) created Element 115?It's known quite well that the closer you travel to the speed of light the more your perspective of time changes. Hmmm. "This certainly is an interesting take on what Element 115 is.And the evolution of the storyline, from the wall writing date of the Chicora Meteor in Verruckt to the Tunguska event to element 115 in Japan is also fascinating.I was wondering where it states within the game the central African Meteor? Now when you plug the numbers in, does it lead you to abandoned island? In his terms, reanimate dead cells. I'd buy it. I showed you a blog post from the person that put that sound clip into the game & his explanation of why those numbers are even in the game. Awesome. Element 115 is a Zombie’s reference and the reason we even have zombies today, element 115 caused dead cells to reanimate as Germans wanted super soldiers. For other uses, see 115.. 115 meteor in Shi No Numa. It can because once you die the atoms in your body will still be functioning. Element 115 (Moscovium, or Divinium in-game) is an element that appears in the Black Ops series and Call of Duty Online. However, Zombies have existed since the Middle Ages. Group 935 recieved funding from the nazis to create an army of super soldiers. The shrieker looked up and screamed at one smoker causing it to fall down and smash its head into the ground. I always thought the idea of a Zombies novel was intriguing.haha I found it! But we're kinda okay with that. because you made it sound totally believable. This thing is purple. The minecraft crew are patrolling around, looking for 'the player.' They made handheld mass-killing weapons that were hundreds of years before their time in a panicked and frantic attempt to win the war. Then this new solid's state of matter could be altered to form sliquifier gunk. The smoker turns and is jumped on by a hound that tears out his throat. Richtofen was able to evade this by using the Vril Generator, an ancient device that generates vril, a mysterious energy that was able to seemingly counteract the time flux of the Focusing Stone.I really like the idea of the African continent being involved with Element 115 in some way. How is a meteor made of crystal? Oh, cool, some weird TV show. Not diamondium, not diamondillium not even your wife's pound cake, Hermes! The effects it causes on the affected person is psychosis, short-term memory loss, and paranoia. I appreciate it.If time reversed for you, and you then made the same decision to touch the Focusing Stone, you would be in an endless time-loop, just like what happened with Brock and Gary. 115 became so rampant on the Earth in its gaseous form until it spread across the entire planet. Power to reanimate corpses and dead beings. Sources:So, we know what 115 is. It was in a rock. It, like uranium, is also surprisingly stable, having a half-life of an incredible length of time that it is not known. And that is awesome. That code is longitude and latitude. Eventually, every living organism had some form of 115 in its system. Whatever it is, Element 115 is not alone. if those atoms mix with ununpentium it can reanimate corpses, but they will not be alive. Meteor fragments can be seen on Kino der Toten, Call of the Dead, Shangri-La, Origins, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, and Revelations. YOUR DONE! The hunter then kills the final denizen. ""Well," says Romero, "You don't look like one of mine. You rather believe your own theory & story relation, than to believe the person that put it there. I had fun. The sudden increase in heat released the 115 in the exploded chunks and guts of the Tunguska meteor that had laid dormant in the frozen tundra. Not to be confused with Resurrection. What's with your outfit? CounterShift 02:04, December 12, 2011 (UTC) Name debate Edit. Left for dead-10 Call of duty-11Only Romero survives the blast. If you wanted to power one of the technologies designed to run off of 115, you'd have to kill a bunch of zombies to release the 115 residing within them, because the machines require a lot more 115 than a zombie does.Lol i was the same way. This is again where density takes hold. Unfortunately, this army could not be controlled as the Zombies would always go beserk when tested. The earliest sighting of Zombies was in France, during World War I, sometimes between 1917 and 1918, where the Germans first uncovered Element 115. The zombie gives a low moan, and starts lumbering toward Romero.The hunter turns and claws a napalm zombie, causing it to explode. They are usually under the user's control, but because the corpses are likely mindless, they have to be carefully monitored.