Gemologists use microscopes and loupes (small handheld magnifying lenses) to determine the size, type, and position of the inclusions.Learn about clarity, the degree to which a diamond presents blemishes and inclusions.Inclusions are visible under 10x magnification, but may not be very visible with unaided eye.

The AGS 0–10 grading scale is easy to understand: the highest possible grade is zero, and the lowest is 10. Uncategorized November 09, 2015.

The G.I.A. Diamonds come in a variety of colors, some of them highly prized (pinks, blues, even yellow). Diamonds having less color are rarer; therefore, they may cost more. Diamond Clarity, The Diamond 4Cs August 13, 2015. Do not compromise on color.The fancy diamonds have become quite popular as fancy color diamond wedding rings.Engagement proposal ideas that will rock her world…If you have been raking your brain for the perfect engagement …A diamond’s color also has a great impact on its cost.“Z’ having the most color within the normal range, and being the least valuable.However, they are as valuable if not more so than colorless diamonds.Even a trained professional can’t always tell the difference between close grades of color in a diamond if it is still mounted in a setting.View the diamond color chart to understand it better.The Diamond grading system for color as seen in the diamond chart above uses the letters of the alphabet from D through Z. Diamond Grading Factors How Light Affects a Diamond’s Appearance. For people who are in a time crunch, here’s a summary of the diamond rating scales and charts for your convenience. Diamond Quality Charts And Rating Scales Illustrated. The 4Cs means two very important things: diamond quality can be communicated in a universal language, and diamond-buying consumers can know exactly what they are about to purchase.Use of this site signifies your agreement to its terms of use. AGS Diamond Grading System The AGS 0–10 Diamond Grading System.

Gemological labs, such as GIA and IGI, measure diamonds on a scale from “Included” to “Flawless”.Thank you for booking a Brilliant Earth appointment! When forming, natural microscopic characteristics can be trapped within or on the diamond. A jewelry specialist will reach out to you shortly to confirm your appointment.Very difficult to see under 10x magnification.Diamond clarity refers to the purity and rarity of the stone. AGSL also has implemented quality control mechanisms to ensure consistency in the diamond grading process. Gemological labs, such as GIA and IGI, measure diamonds on a scale from “Included” to “Flawless”. A diamond receives multiple opinions on the clarity grades it receives, so there is a consensus among expert graders as to what the appropriate grade should be. Uncategorized May 27, 2015. The idea is to choose a diamond that is as high on the color scale as your budget will allow, taking the other 3Cs into account. More inclusions than SI1.Flawless with no internal or external flaws. Similarly, in larger carat sizes, characteristics can be more noticeable due to larger facets.When gemologists inspect diamonds for clarity, they use a maximum of 10x magnification and only judge the diamond face up. All rights reserved.Evaluating diamond clarity involves determining the number, size, relief, nature, and position of these characteristics, as well as how these affect the overall appearance of the stone. GIA Scale: F, IF, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2, S1, S2, S3, I1, I2, I3 F (flawless) is best, followed by Internally Flawless, followed by Very, Very Small Inclusions (2 grades) followed by Very Small Inclusions (2 grades) Small Inclusions (3 grades), Imperfect (3 grades). Slightly more inclusions than VVS1.Difficult to see inclusions under 10x magnification. While no diamond is perfectly pure, the closer it comes, the higher its value.Use of this site signifies your agreement to its terms of use. The less body color in a white diamond, the more true color it will reflect, and thus the greater its value.

Diamond Color & Grading. GIA Diamond Clarity Scale as Found on GIA Diamond Grading Reports A diamond’s clarity, or its relative lack of inclusions and blemishes , is graded on a scale ranging from Flawless to Included. All rights reserved.GIA created the 4Cs (Color, Clarity, Cut and Carat Weight) as a universal method for establishing the quality of any diamond, anywhere in the world. Diamonds with no or few inclusions are considered particularly rare and highly valued.The importance of diamond clarity is affected by the other diamond qualities, such as shape and size. The differences between one diamond color grade and another are very subtle and difficult to distinguish. Typically cannot see inclusions with the naked eye.Difficult to see inclusions under 10x magnification. Characteristics are mapped on a “diamond plot” which looks different for every diamond! DIAMOND GRADING CHART CLARITY Internally Flawless Very Very Slightly Included Very Slightly Included Slightly Included Included I.F.