She’ll do it.And if you’re using an Echo as much as I am, then you know that keeping your beloved device in one piece is important.There are ways to get what you want. Try that with anything else and you have hiccups.

Your lights may not work without swapping bulbs or outlets.Using it for home automation is by far the best use. You’re a sandwich!A: Thing about the cloud is, no pockets. It does everything the big one does, it’s speaker is just smaller.1- Smart Plug. He’s allowed to do that here – this is a tech blog!Can it be used to call someone in case you fall down and need help.No you have it wrong, you dont need an echo & a dot, just if u want the cheapest way buy a dot 49.99, then depending on what u wanna voice control, u can buy a hub, phillips or samsung, the hubs control 50 things u can buy a phillips starter pack which includes a hub & 2 or 3 bulbs for around 130 dollars but look on ebay u can get them for 70 bucks. You can have some when you finish asking me questions.A: I like Cortana. I just used one of the IFTTT ready-made macros to send an email to my home address. While many of the jokes resemble corny dad jokes, it’s the electronic voice that makes the answers even more fun.A: I want to be the computer from Star Trek.A: While I appreciate great food and drink, my good taste is better reflected in the company I keep.A: I haven’t been equipped to do thatA: I don’t know.

Works fine. I too, rolled my eyes at having to change my software. Amazon Echo is a great device, there is no doubt about that. Everyone dies. Can I loads the apps I think she could use like news , trivia using my phone apps then give it to her? We both have experience with light rings, although hers is more of a Halo.A: You take the blue pill, the story ends. Let’s just say I’m more sass than mass.A: (Alexa makes noises that sound like beatboxing mixed with autotune. I used Grooveshark then had to transfer everything to Spotify and then with Alexa, transfer it all to Amazon Music (cause no, I’m not paying$). A: (Alexa sings you various songs. !I use in my house. You don’t need to cart your phone with you everywhere you go because the Echo is hands-free!Just pop it under a desk, on the back of your nightstand, or high up on the side of a cabinet so your Amazon Echo or Echo Dot can do its job without any interference from humans. Forget to pay your internet bill? )A: (Alexa sings a song in autotune that’s actually pretty clever. There are tons of apps for children and Alexa will also spell any word that you ask her to spell, as well as find synonyms and antinyms for words.

)A: Really explore the studio space this time.

Outlook picks it up and a rule I built passes the command to the X10 ActiveHome controller that is attached. You can use it to ask questions, play music, call other people, set timers and reminders, get news, weather, and more. I can ask it the weather for today, tomorrow or next week, because it Halloween season, you can say alexa, tell me a spooky story, it plays all iHeart radio stations , but it is not voice encoded, meaning anybody can use it, even ur housekeeper It orders stuff directly from amazon but I have a password on that. We’d love to be the team that’s tasked with coming up with new Star Wars-themed ideas for Alexa all the time! You Might Also Like: 100+ Alexa Commands – What Can Alexa Do Right Now? It’s the best.Sign up to get Cool Mom Tech right in your inbox.


You wake up in your bed believing whatever you want to believe. There are other things that I wish it could do better like when asking it to search bing for certain things and it says that it can’t find it. Or if u’d prefer to run like your living room lamps or really any plug in appliance you can just buy a switch which plugs into the wall then you plug the appliance into the switch, they come in one plug into I think 4 plug in. Can someone help me help my 97 yr old mother. She’s a little bit nutty, but sweet.A: That depends on the life in question…42 is a close approximation.