Choose from 2 Courses.

The coffee cupping online courses are very easy to access, the courses are in English and hold by SCA certified trainers.

You’ll also receive a confirmation of your gift purchase which will contain a voucher for you to pass on. Partendo da queste basi (che si possono eventualmente apprendere aggiungendo il corso di cocktail base che si tiene il giorno prima (LINK), per una tre giorni di formazione completa e full immersion) si procede andando a conoscere (e a fare pratica) le tecniche più avanzate e affascinanti del nostro lavoro.Per chi vuole distinguere il suo locale con cappuccini che lasciano i clienti a bocca aperta, e per chi vuole rendere unico il suo curriculum.In poco tempo (molto intenso) le basi della miscelazione per allestire l’aperitivo e cominciare il nostro percorso di barman e bartender. Be inspired and browse our collection of experiences from coffee tasting to exotic coffee holidays. But on the weekends, we open its doors to host inquisitive coffee lovers for our series of Masterclasses.Insider tips on how to buy better coffee – from decoding coffee bag label information to understanding the quality of the beans.Before your class, why not learn more about how we source and roast our coffee?A receipt is on its way. Our highly skilled baristas cover the importance of everything from processing to recipes in brewing the wonderful beverage we enjoy each day.Aside from a more in-depth understanding and greater appreciation of delicious brewed coffee, attendees will also go home with:Covering the processes involved in taking a ripe coffee cherry growing in the Tropics and turning it into a delicious coffee beverage, we share insider tips on how to buy better coffee.Sam Coleman has spent the past two and a half years as a barista in our Fitzrovia Coffeebar.After the theory it’s time to get hands-on – we share with you just how easy it can be to make great tasting coffee, by focusing on excellent ingredients and a simple recipe.Veronika manages our Marylebone Coffeebar.Why not learn more about how we source and roast our coffee?Having joined Workshop Coffee as a Bar Back, Sam worked his way up to Manager of our Holborn Coffeebar before stepping off the bar to become our Quality & Development Manager.Curious coffee fans will be given the opportunity to step behind the professional equipment we use in our coffeebars and get hands-on.Getting hands-on, we share just how easy it can be to make great tasting coffee at home. Showcasing three different brewers we cover a wide range of brewing styles, including the French Press, the V60 Pourover and the AeroPress. An Introduction to Home Brewing ... Getting hands-on, we share just how easy it can be to make great tasting coffee at home. An Introduction to Home Brewing ... Getting hands-on, we share just how easy it can be to make great tasting coffee at home. Course Times: Tuesday – Wednesday 10:00 – 16:30 – Running Every Other Month.

If you’ve booked for a group, we will let the rest of the attendees know too.Dispelling a few myths and breaking down some barriers surrounding the supposed magical skills of the barista, participants will cover how to dial-in espresso and pull tasty shots.Katie is the Head Barista at our flagship cafe on Clerkenwell Road. Admission is open for Students from open category and Sponsored by Coffee industry. We will not, however, provide your name or contact information to our partners until you have confirmed with us that you wish to proceed with the booking.Fill in the date you'd like to go and we'll email you to confirm availability within 48 hoursAt Truly, we strongly believe that experiences shouldn't have restrictions. Something beautiful happens when you roast a coffee bean, the small and humble green bean transforms into a majestic little bundle of flavour and aroma we all know and love!

Each student will have the opportunity to roast on one of our six San Franciscan™ roasting machines.