They like moderate amounts of water, and won’t tolerate swampy/wet spots. Occasionally, apple seeds will already be germinating inside the apple or will start right away from the fruit. Usually by seeds. Thank you.If you buy local apples late in the season, months after harvest, they’ve already been kept under refrigeration for many months.  It’s a good idea to cold stratify those seeds in a moist paper towel too because extra stratification won’t hurt them, but not enough cold hours means no apple seedlings.  When you cut long stored local apples open, there’s a chance that some of the seeds may have already started to germinate inside the apple…Best way I found is to crack the peach pit open and get the seed inside and place that in a damp paper towel and put in a ziplock bag or Tupperware container and into the fridge until roots appear.At the end of 6 weeks, some of the seeds may have started to sprout already.  That’s a good thing since apple seeds have a very low germination rate.  Some sources say as low as 30%, though I’d guess ours were more like 60% at least, so clearly, it’s variable.Apple seeds are easy to grow at home with the proper preparation, and seedlings are often more vigorous than their grafted nursery counterparts.  Give an apple tree seedling 3-4 years and it’ll catch up to and pass a potted transplant in size.  From there, you have a tree that may bear for centuries.I’m not sure if I have space for apple trees, but this sounds like fun. Give an apple … Seeds are not available for the Water Apple. When do you think pruning should start though?I just read this and didn’t know that you needed to put them in fridge. After they get bigger how do we prune them so they go tall and straight. Do not allow the compost to dry out for longer than a couple of hours before watering again.Fold the seeds into a moistened sheet of paper towel. Gently rub the seeds to remove any residue left by the sugary flesh of the apple.Domestic apples belong to the genus Malus, which includes approximately 30 species and countless cultivars of deciduous, fruit-bearing trees. In other words, consuming cups of ground apple seeds might be fatal, or at least cause illness. Gently rub the seeds to remove any residue left by the sugary flesh of the apple. Water apple's prefer warm, humid climates, with rainfall distributed throughout the year. Is there a risk to either the new and/or existing tree to be contemplating this?Hi,I lives in Nigeria and really likes apple fruit.We have a hot tempreture and don’t know if apple tree can grow hereIf you’re in the tropics I’d guess it made it there on a refrigerated ship/plane/etc and spent some time in cold storage before it got there. They’re growing rather nicely in partial sun. Full sun ideally (unless you’re in somewhere absurdly hot like the Mojave). Will seeds do better overall in either case, or once they start germinating, does it not matter?Thank you so much for sharing this apple germinating process. It lost its leaves this past fall and looks like it is regrowing them in time with the other trees outside. Either way, good luck with your seedling!I pulled a seed out of an apple I had just eaten. tomatoes).  Yup, time to harden off (slowly) and plant it outdoors. My question is weather or not germinating the seed will work for grafting to the main fruiting tree. Can we plant the germinating ones from the refrigerator too? They should lose their leaves and not need light. Water to keep the soil just barely moist, but not saturated.Thanks for the advice Ashly,just put my apple seeds in the moist paperwork,in a ziplock in the bottom drawer in the fridge,I’m excited this will be my first attempt…wish my seeds luck!An apple seed that had already started to germinate inside an apple from cold storage. Description. About 2 weeks later it was sprouting!The main reason apples aren’t grown from seed is that they don’t “come true to seed.”  Just like humans, the offspring may have some resemblance to their parents, but with their own flavor and habits.  Humans tend to want predictability, and for that reason, apple trees are cloned by grafting rather than starting from seed.Apple seeds need cold stratification to break dormancy.  The seeds need to be kept under moist refrigeration for at least 6 weeks before they’re planted.  Place apple seeds in a moist paper towel, and then put that paper towel inside a plastic bag, leaving it open just a crack for air exchange.  Store it in the back of the refrigerator, checking on the towel every week or so to make sure it’s moist.My son brought home a little brown cup that started growing his apple tree we have had it a bout a month or so and its growing like crazy. I’m sure a quick search would help you find the right concentration.Have 10 so far with about 4 to 6 sets of leaves, Thanks for the tipsAs soon as they start germinating they should go into soil. Cut the apple in half lengthwise with the knife. It lost its leaves this past fall and looks like it is regrowing them in time with the other trees outside. Set the bowl aside.