Having it’s serial number is not only important to help you when contacting organizations and the police because they’ll be able to track down the bike according to its unique serial number, but it can also help you do some detective work of your own.Imagine the worst-case scenario: you stepped out of your office building and noticed that the spot where you usually park your bike is empty.You know that it’s important but maybe you think that you’ll get to register your bike “someday.”You’ve just purchased a brand new bike and the first thing you want to do is take it out for a ride, but before you do that there’s something else you need to do ASAP: you need to find your bike’s serial number.Serial number aside, there are other ways to tell if the bike you’ve purchased – or want to purchase – is actually stolen goods. I’ve gone to two separate bike shops in my area and both have made me feel like a complete idiot with shitty equipment after I visit them. bikeindex.org, it was never registered there as stolen. If you find that your bike doesn’t have these digits, it doesn’t mean you can’t register your bike.Even if these efforts don’t bring back your bike, the serial number is the most important tool at your disposal to try to track it down while serving an important function: it will alert other bike owners in the community that your bike’s been stolen so they can keep their eyes peeled for it and not fall prey to crime themselves.Even if you own a device tracker on your bike, that’s sometimes not enough to keep your bike safe.You might not always be able to prevent your bike from being stolen, but registering can help you get your own back!So, it sort of replaces your serial number. Sorry but it doesn't look like a serial number I know it's a bit late now but I tend to register with themanufaturer, make note of the number and take a photoof the serial number on my phone, back it up and keep it on my phone, as having a photo dated a year ago of the serial number could well help with proof of ownership is stoped by the law. I cannot afford a really nice bike at the moment (it still cost me $600 without add ons). I have spent hours reading links and pages and pages of posts about identifying bikes. You’ll be able to find the serial number on your e-bike by checking the same locations on the bike as those on a traditional bike, such as underneath the bottom bracket.You might think you’ll never need to use your bike’s serial number, but you never know what could happen.Now, what if you’ve looked all over your bike with a magnifying glass and you still can’t find a serial number?If you’ve purchased a bike and worry that it was stolen before being sold to you, check the bike all over for its serial number.Just think of how many bikes are out there that look so similar to yours. It varies by geographic region or jurisdiction, most places going away from registering bicycles in the nineties or earlier. I had this exact bike, right down to the color.The frame is 4130 cro mo and the tubes are 'triple butted'. It only takes a minute to sign up.In terms of registries that is a no-go. What, exactly, is a bike serial number?

Bicycles (except children's bicycles) are almost always required to have a frame or serial number. I have google searched "giant sedona" and have looked at images for hours trying to identify specifics on my bike. There is no single national bike registry. Even if it looks really unique and stands out in a crowd, having the serial number is still a must.If you want to track down your bike, you’ll have much better success by being able to provide the bike’s serial number to organizations that track down stolen bikes and to your local police.If the number’s there but you’re still concerned it’s been stolen, use the serial number to try to locate the bike on sites such as Bike Index.If it’s scratched or filed out, this is a red flag that the bike could’ve been stolen and the thief wanted to try to erase the number.Something that’s important to bear in mind is that some bike thieves don’t steal a bike in order to use it themselves or sell it as a whole.What, exactly, is a bike serial number?You might never have thought about your bike’s serial number, or maybe you didn’t even know what it was or how to find it.In some U.S. cities you can also register your bike with the police department. These digits will help you locate your bike if it gets stolen.Try to check the headset, the rear stays, the seat downtube (next to the crank), and the top of the crank, as these are common places for a serial number to be put.Some great bike services are Bike Index, 529 Garage, and Bike Register (which is an international example). Is there anyone in here who can decode a Giant serial number? This is the case for some old, hand-made bikes, for example.

From what I read, the first four characters of this model serial number can be deciphered to determine … By KrisS in forum Bikes, Frames and Forks Replies: 6 Last Post: 07-05-2013, 06:45 AM. I have google searched "giant sedona" and have looked at images for hours trying to identify specifics on my bike. Will the serial number on my Giant help identify the model ?