Note: “car crash” and “accident” have similar meanings, but they aren’t the same word. To begin, we’ll look at positive entailment—when you read, for example, that “Maurita and Jade both were at the scene of the car crash,” you can infer that “Multiple people saw the accident.” In this example sentence pair, we can prove the second sentence (also known as a “hypothesis”) from the first sentence (also called the “text”), meaning that this represents a positive entailment. Usually, this will correspond with an increase in training time.Textual entailment is useful as a component in much larger applications. Realities of Mechanical Turk Employed ~2,500 workers Used several worker qualification strategies, and bonuses in validation Since this is going to be the first part of our actual network, let’s also define all the constants we’ll need for the network, which we’ll talk about as they come up:Join the O'Reilly online learning platform. Other natural language processing (NLP) systems find similar uses for entailment.Textual entailment is a simple exercise in logic that attempts to discern whether one sentence can be inferred from another. SNLI is a collection of about half a million natural language inference (NLI) problems. Let’s start with making the sequence:Since we aren’t going to use a vanilla RNN layer in our network, let’s clear out the graph and add an LSTM layer, which TensorFlow also includes by default. These phenomena are not mutually exclusive, and the count of each phenomenon can be treated as a very rough estimate of its frequency in the overall corpus.We created SNLI with the goal of making the first high quality NLI dataset large enough to be able to serve as the sole training data set for low-bias machine learning models like neural networks. I could play baseball with ice cream lovers, and I could play baseball with ice cream haters (both are equally possible). Contradiction is concluded wherever H contradicts P. Otherwise, the relation is neutral, indicating the evidence in P is insufficient to draw a conclusion from H. We extend TE to the visual domain by replacing each text premise with a corresponding real world image.

Ideally, these numbers mean something; for example, we could use the character codes of the letters in a word, but that doesn’t tell us anything about the meaning of it (which would mean that TensorFlow would have to do a lot of work to tell that “dog” and “canine” are close to the same concept). The first category, called “positive entailment,” occurs when you can use the first sentence to prove that a second sentence is true.
A computer program that takes on the task of textual entailment attempts to categorize an ordered pair of sentences into one of three categories.

In order to regularize for this, a portion of the units contained within the network are selected randomly and zeroed out temporarily during training, and their outputs are scaled appropriately during actual use.The files we’re about to use may take five minutes or more to download, so if you’re following along by running the program in the corresponding notebook, feel free to start running the next few cells.