The choice that you made then was the definite beginning of a new chapter of your life and a severance with your past. The presence of the Justice card in your Tarot reading indicates that your coming decision is an irreversible one and that your free will in making it will be a force that pours a foundation on which the rest of your life may be setting.When the Justice card appears in the future position of your Tarot reading, the things that you are working on in your life now are inevitably leading you toward having to make a big decision. In her right hand is a sword held upright.If there are many cards from the same suit in your reading, this is a good indicator of what Justice is declaring as your coming impactful decision. This card only weighs in to certify that your choice indicated an absolute break from the many possibilities life was offering you.In the present position, the Justice card represents a situation facing you that requires a decision.

An illustration from the Major Arcana with the Rider Waite Tarot deck. Do some research on the laws in your country; otherwise, you could find yourself in hot water. Justice Tarot card meaning. Tarot reading finds cards landing in positions representing your past, present and future. You are the source of conflict, even if you don't think you are. However, I should warn you that Justice is also a cold card; you might marry your partner, but this will be more so a marriage of convenience than one of true love. The sword represents the finality of the decision you will make – the sword will cut the possibilities of other things happening.Each Tarot reading finds cards landing in positions representing your past, present and future. While this card doesn't indicate that anything illegal will take place, I wouldn't want to receive it if I had recently done something wrong.Justice will pop up in the future to represent a future court card or legal matters. A reading that sees the Justice card in the presence of many cards from the suit of Wands indicates that a business or creative decision made soon will have a measurable impact on your career for years to come.The cards that are placed into your reading influence one another. Justice tarot card describes a love relationship that is both emotionally and intellectually stimulating. Justice can predict that you will marry for the wrong reasons, and because of this, it is also an omen for divorce.Alternatively, Justice doesn't have to represent anything criminal. Justice Tarot Card. It could be a decision involving your educational future, your love life, the path a good friendship might be taking, the purchase or selling of real estate, taking a particular job – it could be something epic in your life plan or something that appears to be a small decision in the scheme of things. In a certain sense, the Justice Tarot Card is linked to the Law and naturally that will involve Lawyers.

The Justice Tarot Card is strongly linked to the judicial system, it is common knowledge that to have a lawful marriage, it must be registered to receive the marriage certificate. You could find yourself at the center of a court case. They can also go the other way; they could be imprisoned or engrossed in some illegal activity.The Divination Maximiser is Open!Personally, I have found that Justice is not a great card for reconciliations. If this meaning applies, it could be good or bad for you depending on if you have been behaving yourself or not. You know what they say? Pentacles are cards that underscore the material plane. Justice can be rather challenging to interpret for love, relationships, and career readings (especially when it appears in a future position), but don't worry, I've got you covered!    Justice in this position is a reassuring sign that you should not second guess yourself. The Justice Tarot card reversed can also indicate dishonesty.

The deepest friendships of our youth are affected by geography and the shift of what we choose to do with our lives. The Emperor – the stern faced Emperor is a card … If the suit of Cups is all over your reading along with Justice, the decision you make regarding a love relationship will shape the rest of your life. When the Justice card lands in the past position, the foundation of your current situation can be traced to a decision you made a while ago. The Justice card can still serve as reassurance that the truth will come out in the end, but she makes no guarantees that this day will come any time soon. When the Justice card lands in the past position, the foundation of your current situation can be traced to a decision you made a while ago. In her left hand is a scale, evenly balanced.

Therefore, I would say that Justice predicts that the person has neutral feelings towards you.Lisa Boswell is an award-winning Tarot reading teacher who currently resides in Scotland. These shifts are imperceptibly slow, but it is as if they do not actually change until we notice that they are changing; by then they are too far removed from what they once were to ever be again as we lived them.