It’s most often found in some farming areas in the following regions:The symptoms of anthrax exposure depend on the mode of contact.The symptoms of gastrointestinal anthrax usually develop within a week of exposure.Humans can get anthrax through:The symptoms of inhalation anthrax include:You can get anthrax through indirect or direct contact by touching, inhaling, or ingesting anthrax spores. It is not widely available, nor is its use for mass immunization recommended. Powder Used in Anthrax Attacks 'Was Not Routine' By Joby Warrick, Washington Post Staff Writer. Whoever concocted the wispy white powder used in last fall's anthrax attacks followed a recipe markedly different from the ones commonly used by scientists in the United States or any other country known to have biological weapons, law enforcement sources said yesterday. I mean they still haven't made any arrests from that anthrax stuff from a couple years ago. it is continuing from ancient times.

Humans have an increased risk of getting anthrax if they:If your doctor detects anthrax in your body, the test results will be sent to a public health department laboratory for confirmation.When used as a preventive measure, it’s a five-dose vaccine series given over an 18-month period.
it is caused by Bacillus Anthracis. The vaccine is sometimes given to people who are likely to be exposed to anthrax through their occupation, for example, tannery workers, or to military personnel. Anthrax is a serious infectious illness caused by the microbe Bacillus anthracis.This microbe resides in soil. I was dreaming about this last night and was wondering what it is, where does it come from, is it of any use (besides killing people) and who would want to make it.???? It’s given to people who work in situations that put them at high risk of contact with anthrax, such as military personnel and scientists.Cutaneous anthrax is anthrax contracted through contact with the skin.While anthrax can be transmitted to humans via contact with animals, it’s not spread through human-to-human contact.Anthrax can be used as a biological weapon, but this is very rare. ? anthrax is a 80 metal band that is still hanging on . It is still a large threat, however, because if it isn't recognized and treated quickly enough it can be deadly. The release of any bio-warfare agent by a militant or miscreant would likely be silent and untraceable or nearly so. Yes. At least half a dozen different powders are to be made, the official said.But he denied that the FBI has been limited by any single theory. Anthrax is a disease caused not by a virus, but rather by bacteria. Single maker a possibility, scientists now theorize . There hasn’t been an anthrax attack in the United States since 2001.Anthrax illness is more common in farm animals than people.
No, because we don't have the person or persons responsible identified and charges being brought against them," Mueller said.Mueller said Friday that the FBI still believes in its profile of the anthrax attacker as a loner with some scientific training and access to Ames anthrax, a strain identified by the Army's biodefense lab at Fort Detrick in 1981 but distributed since then to at least two dozen other labs.The FBI appears to have focused on that theory for months, questioning dozens of scientists with ties to the U.S. biodefense program. Once anthrax spores get inside your body and activate, the bacteria multiply, spread, and produce toxins. When used after exposure to anthrax, it’s given as a three-dose vaccine series.The symptoms typically develop within one to five days after exposure.Here are some other reasons why anthrax makes an effective agent for a bioterrorist attack:Despite the 2001 attack, anthrax is uncommon in the United States. It suggests that the powder could have been prepared by a single person with the right knowledge in a relatively simple clandestine lab."There's really nothing all that special about it," said one of the scientists, who spoke on the condition that they not be identified.