The 2020 hopeful told a group of progressive Netroots Nation conference attendees she assailed Follow today's top polls, candidates, primaries, fundraising, debates and more with POLITICO.

Here's what we know about her 2020 platform so far—and what we can guess at from her extensive congressional record. But 2020 is proving to be a … She quickly emerged as a champion of progressive causes including gay rights, paid family leave and fighting sexual assault in the military, and she became a formidable fund-raiser for Democratic campaigns.Although Ms. Gillibrand aligned herself with her party’s progressive wing on a range of issues, from health care and climate to immigration and campaign finance reform, she did not electrify liberals with her distinctive ideas, like Senators Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Though she stopped short of saying she would endorse a woman, Ms. Gillibrand, who has made electing women to Congress a personal cause, said the next president had to be capable of uniting the country and suggested that a woman might be best suited for the job.“We know there were donors who were angry about it and did not support me because of it,” Ms. Gillibrand said, adding, “I wouldn’t change what I did, because I would stand with those eight women again today.”Throughout the race, Ms. Gillibrand averaged less than 1 percent support in national surveys and struggled to raise money, relying heavily on a $10 million war chest in her Senate campaign account. Gillibrand also overperformed Clinton’s 2016 vote share in New York; Clinton got 59 percent of the vote. The 2020 presidential campaign of Kirsten Gillibrand officially began on March 17, 2019 and concluded on August 28, 2019.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand writes the pandemic had laid bare numerous disparities -- including in access to high quality child care. Gillibrand won re-election in 2018 with 67 percent of the vote, outperforming Democratic Gov. Gillibrand won re-election in 2018 with 67 percent of the vote, outperforming Democratic Gov. Still, she remains in the top tier of contenders in the primary field because of her fundraising power and active decade in national politics.Gillibrand’s politics have become increasingly left-leaning over her career, but she has maintained an appeal to the more moderate-to-conservative parts of her state, a trend that could bode well as she sets out on a national campaign. This urban-rural split mirrors the rest of the country, and the fact that Gillibrand has performed well in rural counties — in 2018, she won counties that Clinton lost to Donald Trump — could be positive for her. Former 2020 hopeful Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand endorsed Joe Biden on Thursday, saying he represented experienced leadership and a commitment to …