Dr. Markus Schubert from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf was selected by the European Research Council for an ERC Starting Grant. Lower thresholds, in turn, assign larger amounts of liquid to the continuous gas phase.intersection angle between interface and inner tubeintersection angle between interface and outer tubederive criteria for the positioning of redistributors to prevent excessive wall flow, dry zones and channeling,abscissa of wire‐mesh crossing pointscustomize packing properties and filling procedures to ensure desired phase fractions and pressure drops,inclined rotating fixed‐bed reactorIn the future the presented modus operandi will be used for a comprehensive analysis of operating conditions (superficial phase velocities, inclination angle and rotational velocity) and reactor design parameters (particle and inner tube diameter) to identify the hydrodynamic process window of the inclined rotating fixed‐bed reactor with inner tube.ordinate of wire‐mesh crossing pointsprovide data for the validation of computational fluid dynamics models.Can't sign in? "A large number of products and commodities which we use every day such as, for example, low-sulphur fuels or plastics run through these chemical reactors during their production. With the prospective funding from the European Research Council, he wants to set up his own research group which will focus on multiphase chemical reactors and the complex flows occurring inside them. Below, the application of an advanced sensor to reveal the liquid phase distribution in an inclined rotating fixed‐bed reactor with inner tube is presented.Transmitter and receiver module utilize 8‐bit microcontrollers as interface to the WLAN, and thus, to the measuring computer. With the help of new advanced methods, we'd like to access and understand the fluid dynamics inside such reactors and, thus, further develop simulation models," says Dr. Schubert. offers eligible public information officers paid access to a reliable news release distribution service.Initially, Markus Schubert wants to thoroughly investigate the flows under industry-related conditions in a specific type of chemical apparatus, a bubble column reactor. But what does really happen inside these reactors that have been inaccessible so far because of the opaqueness due to pressure-resistant reactor walls? EurekAlert! The temporal resolution of the WMS is 25 frames per second. unknown (only fluid contributors)The authors are grateful to the German Research Foundation for financial support (DFG SCHU 2421/2‐3)Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. Beyond the submission of an excellent research proposal, the scientists have to furnish proof of a scientific track record that has been impressive so far and continues to be very promising in the future. The chemical industry is the third largest industrial branch of Germany's manufacturing industry.EurekAlert! Forgot your username?inclination angle of the reactorHelmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Bautzner Landstraße 400, 01328 Dresden, GermanyTU Dresden, Institute of Power Engineering, 01069 Dresden, Germanyunknown (fluid and parasitic contributors)If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your usernameSince the WMSs embedded in IRR rotate jointly with the reactor, commercial WMS systems with cable‐connected USB interface to a measurement PC as well as an AC power supply are not applicable. The microcontroller of the transmitter module programs a direct digital synthesizer (DDS), which outputs an analog sine function, where the amplitude is adjusted by an amplifier. Citation name: Schubert, M. Affiliation: Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. The junior researcher will use the research infrastructure at the Institute of Fluid Dynamics for his experiments and visualize the flows with X-rays.EurekAlert!