ackson, Michael, 6508, k., 3/9/16.The Attack on Zenith Trench _.... . On the night of 23rd one of two patrols sent out bumped up against a strong German 23rp May.VILLERS-BRETONNEUX 24th—25th April, 191811/10/17, M.M. 18/9/16.11837, Gallipoli, 9/8/15. but the weather was wretchedly cold and miserable, the C.O. Ransom, John William, 25774. Hill, Charles, 15/459, Pte.. k., 0/ Hines, Daniel, 11908, Pte., k., 1/ Hinton, Edward, 18053, Pte., k., 1/7/16. Shelling and trench-mortar activity was sporadic. L/Sgt., d.. 11/10/18. The battalion’s casualties had again been heavy: four officers were wounded ; twelve other ranks were killed, eighty-five wounded and twelve missing. Under cover of the bombardment a strong hostile raiding party advanced against the battered defences of the West Yorkshiremen and attempted to enter what remained of the trenches. Jameson and Second-Lieuts. Eventually the survivors of the 1/6th Battalion, 1.., Lieut. Several more moves took place until, on 15th July, the 15TH Jury.

Wolfe, Sidney 62 /10/1 Wood, Percy Her!

Rfin., k.. g/torty. From the 1st April until the end of May the 11th West Yorkshires ; ; 74 were in and out of the Ancres Sector, in front of Souchez. To cover this flank two battalions of the soth Infantry Brigade were put into the line— the 7th Yorkshire Regiment (right) and the roth West Yorkshire Regiment (left) with orders, the first to make a frontal attack on the village, the second, to form a defensive flank to protect the right of the 21st Division. Burns, Frank, 62015, "Bie. September also was spent out of the line, the Brigade being engaged towards the end of the month in Divisional attack practices.
Herson, George Wilham, 21044, Pte., k., 1/7/16. Emmerson, Samuel, 26272, 'Pre., k., 27/9/16.

Thorsby, Ilarry, 21089, Pte., d., 14/12/16Holmes, John Henry, 3871, Pte., ke 9/ /\6.
M.B., Field Ambulance. These orders do not appear to have reached the 1oth West Yorkshires until 3-30 a.m. on 22nd, for the Battalion Diary states that ‘‘ at 3-30 a.m. on the 22nd the battalion was ordered to evacuate the first system of trenches and take up a position west of the Canal du Nord in K.25. Mercer, oseph, 81339, Prte., k., 8/10/18, formene 5772, Northumberland Fusiliers. Cav, Regt. V.2-5.the 8th West Riding Regt. d., 30/6/18 Elhs, jackson. About 10 p.m. that night warning was received at 23rd Brigade Headquarters that a hostile attack, preceded by a heavy bombard- ment, was expected along the 8th Divisional front about 7 a.m. on the 24th. Firth. Petty, James, 43360, L/Cpl. Two platoons of ‘‘D” who had crossed this road were held up by heavy machine-gun fire, but ““C’’ Company and the remainder of ‘‘ D”’ Company pushed on, and by “ Zero” plus go had reached their objective, 1.e., the eastern portion of the road through the village. Winterburn, Frank, 235797, Pte., d., 29/3/18, formerly 3235, Yorkshire Hussars. Hannan, Arthur, 35277, Pre., k., 27/2/17. On Second-Lieut. Croston, Harry, 238013 Pte., k., 29/4/17. Regt. ), k.,Northcote, Percival Leonard, 56723, Pte., k.,Crowther, Willie, 36200, Pte., a" 13 ulpan, Benjamin, 15/1582, L ‘Cpl.

Chadwick, Arthur, 21/622, Pte., k., 21/3/18. (M. M. M. Sherwood, Henry, 60496, Pte., k., 28/7/18. Frear. At Battersea Farm the battalion remained until the night 12th/13th June, when part of the 17th Brigade of the 24th Division took its place, and the West Yorkshiremen marched back to ‘“P ” Camp in the neighbourhood of Ouderdom. 2/7/19. Woodhead, William, 28114, Bre. John William, 63982, Pre., k., 23/10/18 French, William, 6227, Pte., k.. 10/4/17. Kershaw, Frank, 28265, Pte., k., 17/1/17. 2 On the left of the 49th support of the Sherwood Foresters: the 67th Field Company R.E. Between Maricourt and Serre there does not seem to have been a more difficult part at which to attack the enemy than that which faced the 23rd Infantry Brigade, on that misty July morning. k., 18/9/17howitzers and one 77 mm.

B Company (under Capt.

On the left of the 6th Division the 51st was held up in front of Flesquiéres, on the line of the railway north-east of Ribecourt: on the right Marcoing and Masniéres had fallen, and the passages of the Canal de |’Escout had been secured at both villages. k., 31/8/17,Shaw, Herbert, 17/1339, icp 19/10/17 Sheard, Elliott, 17/477, Set, k., Ke Ernest, 17/1236, Pre., d., 18/12/19. McBrien, Patrick, 47115, Pte., 10/10/18. The latter had had no ume in which to dig themselves in and very soon casualties were again heavy. The moon had set by now and the night was pitch black. Inverness Copse, attacked by the West Yorkshiremen, was very strongly held, but the British barrage had demoralised the Germans, who were very ready to surrender.