A tailor and a paan wallah having kulfi together, at a paan shop. Although there has been controversy surrounding the portrayal of women in video games for years, they still continue to kick ass.

Incredible meets a young boy who proclaims himself to be his "number one fan," the film is making an astute observation about fandoms.Each of these famous lines of dialogue serves as a testament to the enduring appeal and impact of the iconic movies from which they are derived.It's iconography - including lightsabers, droids, and the intimidating visage of Darth Vader himself - is permanently etched into pop culture history.Soon the Marines' arrogance turns to sheer horror after they encounter a hive of the lethal aliens.However, the true emotional core of the film was not revealed until the movie's third act when Spock (Leonard Nimoy) - one of the most beloved characters in all of science fiction - made the ultimate sacrifice to save his crewmates aboard the U.S.S. With Abbi Butler, James J. Fuertes, Katie Gunn, Les Parker. The same holds true for dialogue. Directed by Bob Giordano. With its strong storyline and female protagonist the whole franchise resonated with a lot of people of all ages, we wanted to celebrate the movies with a collection of the best quotes from The Hunger Games movie franchise. Watch movie clips, Dialogue, motion posters, press meet, and more videos. That would be more of a punishment for everyone else than it would be for the over-inflated egos that stalk the halls of Congress and lurk in state government. Few cosplayers have been quite as prolific as Jessica Nigri.

Well the movie has been doing festival rounds for quite some time and the makers now decided to release it in India. What Are The Odds begins with a fable-like introduction by a man, whom we later come to know as Valmik Burman aka Val. They encapsulate the theme, tone, or ideologies of movies that have left an indelible impression - either good or bad - on our psyches.In the film, when lead character Tony Stark (Downey) boldly reveals to the world he is the superhero Iron Man, that sea change in the narrative reflects the dramatic real-life change of fortunes for Marvel Entertainment as well.Most of us can quote at least one line of dialogue from our favorite movies.When HAL 9000 refuses a vital command by the movie's protagonist Dr. David Bowman, the soothing dulcet tone of the A.I. However, the disturbing secret of Soylent Green is revealed in the haunting final scene of this eerily prescient film.Steven Spielberg's heartwarming science fiction movie about a troubled young boy who befriends a stranded alien botanist became one of the highest-grossing movies of all time.A seminal moment in the film is the malfunction of HAL 9000, the advanced artificial intelligence responsible for maintaining the operating systems of the movie's main spaceship Discovery One.Frodo alone does what many in the film believe is impossible: he walks directly into the heart of Mordor, the citadel of evil, in order to prevent darkness from enveloping his world.Let's be honest, nobody wants to see our politicians forced to walk through the streets naked. With Yashaswini Dayama, Karanvir Malhotra, Abhay Deol, Priyanka Bose. As we know the movie will stream directly on Netflix. The following lines of dialogue are among the most famous taken from 14 iconic science fiction and fantasy movies that have left an enduring mark on pop culture. And together, they have a whimsical day where they discover companionship in the strangest of places.