There has been a lot around, especially in online sales. It probably been discovered 100s if not 1000s of time over all the centuries. Given the knot is based on the Uni I am sure Mr Uni will be along soon to bust you a new one for stealing his knot modding it and call it something so descriptive of the knot like he did. I use this particular knot in every single application, except when tying a loop knot to an artificial or line to line. You could say almost all knots are born out of other knots. Before you attempt it out on a boat as you may find it more difficult when you are out on the water. I would also like to see how both of these uni knots compare against a polomar tied with 17 Lb mono and floro. But braid requires much for friction within the knot compared to monofilament so it almost always requires a different knot than the traditional knots used on mono. Fishing Knots: Double Uni Knot - How to Tie Braid to Fluorocarbon … You’ll end up with a sleeker, prettier knot.The uni was my go to knot forever. Thanks for the all the great info.What is your favorite fishing knot? ( I will only do this if I feel the big fish are being finicky)BTW…..personal tip to you and all of SALTSTRONG COMMUNITY:It is a bold move and a potential voluntary hoss forfiet……… However, to me, more strikes SHOULD equal more lands…..In the aforementioned comment, I talked about 15# vs 30# flouro.I love approaching a new (or even well known) dock or structure with a very light (15#) leader.

Both are 30 pound lines. Make sure you pull them together tight for a stronghold. I have experienced twice the hookups since doing this, and unfortunately twice the loss, AND twice the landed fish. Most Saltwater fisherman tend to use a Uni knot being it is a stronger knot & a lot quicker to tie. Oh Oh but it won some knot tying contest on the Internet….its famous. Knot illustrations contained in this web site are not intended for rock climbing instruction. I’ll be sure to give it a try in my next round of testing. Many knots are not suitable for the risks involved in climbing. Please let me know how any results pan out if you test it. Thoughts?Yes, this knot could also be called the Modified Fish-N-Fool knot too. You can then cut the tags and tidy up the line.Reedy’s Circle Hooks are a High Quality Fishing Hook Designed for snapper Fishing Super Sharp and Must Have In your Tackle Box. Double Uni Knots are easy to tie. In every test with the eye loop count consistent, the strength increased as more twists were included.The most commonly taught Uni Knot consists of going through the eye once, making a loop, and then wrapping around/through it 5 times.Please let me know where any sort of credit is taken for me creating a knot in this post and I’ll be quick to adjust it as needed (I was in no way trying to claim ownership of creating a knot, and I apologize if I accidentally did so in the post).Hey Wayne, thanks for the knot suggestion. Where failure could cause property damage, injury, or death, seek professional instruction prior to use. Loop the tag end of the mono around both lines, then pass the tag end through your loop 5 to 6 more times. Oh wait you called it FishNFool.Hey Troy, thanks so much for leaving the helpful comment. The most commonly taught Uni Knot consists of going through the eye once, making a loop, and then wrapping around/through it 5 times. • Lay the doubled line next to the end of the leader. I decided to test the line and it breaks at 15 to 20 pounds.