1 month ago. These vibrations create a specific frequency signature for different substances. Watch the video below for a demonstration of Sympathetic Resonance (be sure to turn on your speakers and adjust the volume). It is based on the simple dynamic response of flexible cantilevers and evolves naturally from the underlying principles of a vibrating reed tachometer.

Every time you strike a tuning fork, you’re setting off a tiny, invisible hurricane.

Three videos are presented to the right. Natural silica, like quartz crystal, vibrates at 32,768 vibrations per second no matter where it is found on the earth, and there is much of it in the human body. If my testament to your integrity and truthfulness can be helpful, I humbly offer it.A calcified pineal gland, for example, can block you from the flow of Imagination, Inspiration, and Intuition. “”This sound develops through ten different aspects because of its manifestation through ten different tubes of the body. 2. A minute study will prove this fact, which can be realized by listening to the sound of the steam engine or of a mill, while the echo of bells or gongs gives a typical illustration of the sound Hu.The Supreme Being has been called by various names in different languages, but the mystics have known him as Hu, the natural name, not man-made, the only name of the nameless which all nature constantly proclaims.Are these higher frequencies parts of our higher nature that we someday will come to inhabit as a home? A big steel plate on the ground would probably be too rigid. One of my duties was to give Saturday morning enrichment lectures to the students, and the best one was on suspension bridges. I spent the 1972“73 academic year on sabbatical leave at the Kingston, Jamaica, campus of the University of the West Indies.
We are frequency beings. Is this what was meant by Enoch or Elisha being “translated” into heaven before their eyes, a type of raising the vibration of the saint so that they might enter into another world?In reality, the resonant frequency of quartz varies over a huge range, depending on thickness, cut, temperature, and vibration mode. And because of how light it is it's swaying back and forth due to all of the individual pendulums. Gǎnyìng or yìng is a Chinese cultural keyword meaning a "correlative resonance" pulsating throughout the purported force field of qi that infuses the cosmos. Or maybe these concepts are new or vague to you.All of these questions need to be wrestled with as the modern person tries to become more of an angel than an animal in all that they do –  a sort of raising owns own personal vibration. This short paper describes a useful teaching tool, ideal for demonstration purposes within the classroom or lab setting. The demonstration lecture then went on tour to high schools in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. Perhaps you are highly knowledgeable about these topics. Besides that I don’t get to show my appreciation to you as much as I would like to. The word Hu is the spirit of all sounds and of all words, and is hidden under them all, as the spirit in the body. Poor digestion can keep you stuck in your lower chakras, impeding your progress in opening up the heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras.Were you excited to see electricity coming from a light bulb that was not plugged into a wall socket? There are hundreds of free energy devices available to us. You can change your cookie settings through your browser.Query the DeepDyve database, plus search all of PubMed and Google Scholar seamlesslySave any article or search result from DeepDyve, PubMed, and Google Scholar... all in one place. The human heart emits a frequency also, which is about 7.83 hertz. One of my duties was to give Saturday morning enrichment lectures to the students, and the best one was on suspension bridges. Gag.Enter your email address to follow Patriots for Truth and receive notifications of new posts by email.Next, we look at resonance in a closed circuit.Thank you, Ron. It's not on anything external I don't think.The more rigid and fixed the base is, the less energy can transfer through it to sync them. This is not just some small lie, especially when one considers the upcoming 5G rollout. The corrupt U. S. Patent Office keeps this technology from us so that it can be used by Big Energy, Big Social Media, Big Military, Big Banks to keep us enslaved to their global debt system.Learn how your life can have more love, joy, health, and abundance by experiencing the secrets that our planetary rulers have been trying to keep from us for millennia.Let’s get started and make sure we all understand the basics of vibration, frequency and resonance with this video entitled:Or like Paul, who was “caught up to the seventh heaven” and came before the brilliant throne of the heavenly one. A meter stick, yard stick, 1 kilogram mass and 1 pound weight are laid out on a demonstration table for inspection and comparison of relative size. I made this short video for … We have been following these protocols with great success and recommend them to our truth community.We exist on a continuum of vibrations, or frequencies, emitted by all things.
You might ask: "Why does a truth news site include 'new… Are these higher stages of vibration with which human beings will come to resonant sympathetically?Thank you for bringing up the subject of energy, frequency, and vibration.