1 in 30.

Yadda yadda. ?So, now it's your turn.

Have you ever pooped in the shower and would you consider pooping in the shower in the future?
If you don’t have a basement, septic backups are, usually, first seen in the bathtub closest to the septic tank.

4 comments. The shower drain is covered by a cap, a screen with several small holes or slots for the water to flow through.

Because I for one, am tempted to give it a try. And as news spread of the shower poopers among us, people on Twitter started asking their followers if they do poop in the tub. I stood there and played with my poop for a couple minutes before I held it under the hot running water and watched it dissolve and flow away down the drain. the act of stepping on feces in the shower as to push it down the drain through the slotted drain cover creating a waffle like poop squirt. Have you ever pooped in the shower?Most of the questions are the standard, how often do you wash and what do you use when you do. And to no ones surprises, a small margin of people admitted that yes, they do love a good shower poo.  And according to the survey about 1 in 30 people have admitted to pooping in the shower. Robs adds: ‘In the case where a shower has been defecated in, it is recommended the shower is plunged, to shift any build-ups and obstructions.
No that is not a joke and yes, there are people out there who do poop in the shower. Which Of These Shower Poop Options Would You Choose? Do othew peopwe poop and pee in the showew?

Do you poop in the shower? you sound like a troll since that sort of thing doesn't clog the drain, just lift it up with toilet paper. Because I for one, am tempted to give it a try. And as news spread of the shower poopers among us, people on Twitter started asking their followers if they do poop in the tub. Even if you don’t have to go, the toilet doubles as a seat. 16. Log …

And according to the survey about 1 in 30 people have admitted to pooping in the shower. Search, discover and share your favorite Poop GIFs. Blocking the drain with the plunger…

u have to pay for extra plumbing but if u just poop in ur shower without a toilet its funner smells better and is not that bad of a snack.There are some pros and cons to this setup.Great Poop Content Delivered Directly To YouCopyright NumberTwoGuide.com 2020The toilet waste and the shower drain would have to remain separate. This means if you have a floor drain in your basement that’s where the poop will come back through first, but that could also be a washing machine drain pipe, a basement toilet, or a stall shower. (Not Pooping In The Shower Isn't An Option) You have two options and they're both shitty.

No that is not a joke and yes, there are people out there who do poop in the shower. Bu the news about, you know, the waffles stompers out there is a little bit too much information for most of us. Among the questioned asked in the survey were things about washing habits, whether you pee in the shower or not and yes, if you also poop in the shower. That means there is a good chance you know someone who either has or regularly does poop in the shower. Have you ever done a poo in the shower and shoved it down the drain? And according to the survey about 1 in 30 people have admitted to pooping in the shower. Have you ever pooped in the shower and would you consider pooping in the shower in the future? I got in the shower this morning and immediately started pissing.

That means there is a good chance you know someone who either has or regularly does poop in the shower. Then all of a sudden without notice, I felt the overwhelmming poop coming so I reached back with my hand and took a … ?Every time I get in the shower the warm water makes me pee so I always just pee on the shower drain. Fecal matter would pass through a shower drain if the P-trap is made of 2” ABS, but the amount of water and velocity might not be enough to make it pass through. Let that sink in. That’s there for your feet. A shower drain is essentially a hole in the bottom of the shower to let water flow out of the basin or tub. And to no ones surprises, a small margin of people admitted that yes, they do love a good shower poo.  Mar 31, 2014 - I have a new 2014 Gulfstream Kingsport 26.5 We were only on our second weekend outing and we noticed Saturday night that the bathtub drain seemed clogged