You want to become an entreprenuer.

Don’t hesitate to act. For example, a person who sailed around the world or a person who climbed Mount Everest shows a great degree of perseverance. Perseverance (noun) Continuing in a course of action without regard to discouragement, opposition or previous failure. You live out in the middle of nowhere.

Perseverance can be thought of as persistence in a noble or just cause in spite of hardship or opposition. God knows my mother was not thrilled.

Although the two terms persistence and perseverance are often used interchangeably due to their similarity in appearance and meaning, there …

The challenges when you persevere aren’t usually constant or repetitive. Psh! Persistence Vs. While persistence has a negative connotation as it often indicates stubborn or illogical … The two are similar, but persistence is more active. As nouns the difference between perseverance and persistence is that perseverance is continuing in a course of action without regard to discouragement, opposition or previous failure while persistence is the property of being persistent.

The point is: stop doing ineffective shit in situation that don’t get better and don’t wuss out at the first sign of trouble when you really want something.Good point about the two words – persistence beyond a point is idiotic, especially when it involves doing the same ineffective thing over and over. Or maybe it’s a relationship that hasn’t been working out. So many instances of very famous, highly-revered people (including other bloggers we respect) encouraging us to “persist.” But we know these are people who act(ed) very consciously and strategically in their lives. Especially when you’re only able to see things from your inside point of view.I confess Liz, I use the two words interchangeably; and throw in “determination” as well. How to use perseverance in a sentence.

Although the life raft isn’t as glamorous as the ship, at least you won’t end up at the bottom of the ocean with nothing but a pretty boat and a claim to persistence ;).The definition of ‘persist’ (on the right) gives you a clue as to how to tell if you’re in a no win situation or if you just need to tough it out to get to your goal.I nodded with your affirmations, until you’ve made this connection and let it look like a self-explicit, valid argument:As if that clarifies things.
This is a classic example of persistence.• Perseverance can last for a lifetime.Coming from Engineering cum Human Resource Development background, has over 10 years experience in content developmet and management.This highlights that there is some difference between the two words. Once I stumbled upon dividend growth investing and realized how well it fit my goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, etc., it was very easy to stay committed to the strategy. (computer science) Of data, continuing to exist after the execution of the program. Persistence implies obstinately continuing on, in spite of the difficulties you face.

And you’ve also recently been in an accident that resulted in a form of brain damage that removed your ability to speak.There may be some exceptions, but most telemarketers, debt collectors and esquire-type reporters do the same things over and over.

Just think about that for a second. Imagine a kid who continuously demands his parents to buy him something, and would not stop at all. But I’ve never been one for semantics.

No more guilt Karen! Qualities like stubbornness, illogical determination, single-mindedness can be associated with persistence whereas qualities like calmness, steadfastness, and strength are associated with perseverance.Persistence is the quality of stubbornly or resolutely continuing something in spite of opposition, whereas perseverance is the continued steady belief or efforts in spite of opposition.Hasa has a BA degree in English, French and Translation studies.

Without context it’s easy to romanticize unrelenting determination as a noble quality unto itself. Good post.