It's hard to imagine somebody who was a 20-year veteran of the F.B.I. Great question.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He could not now stand back and say, "Oh, I condemn white supremacy.

The Congress passes the laws and then hires people. Maybe not surprisingly, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker have all stumped four votes at a church, for example, whose pastor says gay people are going to hell.

I'm glad I'm not Nancy Pelosi. And it's a talking point, which they are using to help them in this election cycle, obviously, because Russia died, but my question to you is, what does it do to the country? By the way, we should note that Tulsi Gabbard is not yet a senator, unfortunately, Mazie Hirono is the senator -- one of them from Hawaii, but maybe, she will be. We have Cory Booker, who just last week threatened to beat up the President of the United States. It was pure propaganda.

We will investigate that question, next.CARLSON: That's exactly right.So Tammy, explain for me, if you could, why I felt physically nauseous watching the clip we just played.MARIA TERESA KUMAR, PRESIDENT AND CEO, VOTO LATINO: What the President has done is that he has given agency to hate and he is yet to denounce it, and we need him right now to use his platform to say that we are all Americans and that we need unification.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We need to hear from that person, strongly condemning and rebuking this ideology.CARLSON: In what sense does congressman Gabbard say Kamala Harris's campaign is entirely a lie?SCOTT ISRAEL, SHERIFF, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA: You just told this group of people that you are standing up for them, you're not standing up for them until you say I want less weapons.So that is the fear that I have, irrespective of the fact that I'm a Democrat, but just as an American is the end result of where this goes.JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Bingo. They can show up at your house with -- they can shoot you, right? Last month, Bernie Sanders held a Town Hall at the church.But the assault weapons ban, Tucker, as you noted, it did not work. If you were to assemble a list, a hierarchy of concerns or problems this country faces, where would white supremacy be on the list? Thank you.CARLSON: Governor's brother.Now we have seen folks like Castro now that the seeds of that vitriol, of that disgusting rhetoric, now rear its ugly head, but it's not of course just Mr. Castro. What is he saying by doing that?And then you also have on the OpSec side, the Operational Security side, he is doing this on F.B.I.

officer and he joins us tonight. This [bleep] thinks he's about to get some rest. Good people doing a thankless job that we need to have done only to have some pampered moron like Ocasio-Cortez savage them for political reasons.To actually bend after it is printed to a political faction is to cave in a way that I think will haunt them for some time to come.The median household income in Montgomery County is more than a 100 grand. But our criminal justice record shows that her policies exemplified the worst aspects of our criminal justice system."ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: So to gun owners out there who say, "Well, a Biden administration means they're going to come from my guns."BRUCE: Oh, yes, and she was on TV for a little while.CARLSON: We're out of time. But yet at the same time, they say you can go door to door to millions of homes and you can take perfectly legally-owned legal- to-own objects from law-abiding innocent people and to correct Joe Biden, you absolutely can get a flame thrower. The fact of the matter is, they should be illegal. Its violence. Yahoo News. ©2020 FOX News Network, LLC. If you don't know that you're obviously under 40.And people don't trail their names or put compound names. This is an interesting story.CARLSON: In her 2016 concession speech, Hillary Clinton vowed to champion the cause of women in politics.CARLSON: It's the F.B.I. I mean, here we are, just think of it. It's been it's been a while now. You don't have to beg an employer. They said how they saw it. CORY BOOKER, D-N.J., PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We can't be blind to the impact of generations of racism and white supremacy that were written into our laws over centuries.The combined membership of every white supremacist organization in this country would be able to fit inside a college football stadium.

We're going to get division.

And now they're working very hard to make sure the undeserving, those who do not conform to the liberal agenda are pushed aside.UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Murder Turtle.CARLSON: I think that's a prediction that is likely to come true. Right?CARLSON: Right.