Dernières actualités Nos propositions. NOUS AIDER. Ministre délégué chargé des PME, du commerce, de l’artisanat, des Professions libérales et de la Consommation dans le gouvernement de Jean-Pierre Raffarin III (2004-2005)Ministre de la Fonction publique du Gouvernement Villepin (2005-2007)Elu député européen en 1994, et président de la commission de l’agriculture et du développement ruralAgriculteur éleveur de profession.De 1987 à 1992, président du centre régional des jeunes agriculteurs du Nord puis président du CNJA.Le 23 novembre 2010, Christian Jacob est élu président du groupe UMP puis LR à l’Assemblée Nationale, et est réélu en juin 2012 puis en juin 2017.Ministre délégué chargé de la Famille dans le gouvernement Jean-Pierre Raffarin II, (2002-2004)Elu député de la 4° circonscription de Seine-et-Marne en décembre 1995 (à la suite d’Alain Peyrefitte devenu Sénateur).
It was initially aligned with the policies of Jacques Chirac, but has increasingly differed with him, especially when it officially expressed opposition to Turkey's membership in the European Union after Chirac supported it. If the right ends up on that slippery slope, then it’s no longer my right.” NOS ACTUALITÉS. Les Républicains (The Republicans) ... Les Republicans, now the biggest opposition party in parliament, elected a new leader 10 December 2017 they hope will recover their voice. So it’s a strategy of making the right more extreme, which doesn’t seem to be to be very clever.Hervé Gattegno, the editor of Le Journal du Dimanche and a political commentator, said Wauqiuez risked pushing more moderate conservatives into the arms of Macron’s ruling La République en Marche.Wauquiez, a devout Catholic, supports economic protectionism and state intervention to regulate the economy, takes a tough line on immigration and social welfare – he considers France’s social model obsolete – and is opposed to the 35-hour maximum working week, same sex marriage and IVF.France’s bitterly divided conservative opposition party has elected a new hardline leader, marking a move away from centre ground toward the territory of the far right.Macron, however, has captured the centre ground in French politics and headhunted some of the LR’s emerging stars, including his prime minister, Édouard Philippe, and budget minister, Gérald Darmanin.Valérie Pécresse, a former budget minister under Nicolas Sarkozy and influential leader of the Ile de France region, said Wauquiez’s victory could shrink, or at worst, destroy LR.“Perhaps he hasn’t understood what most [centre] right voters have and what all the opinion polls reveal: the real head of the [centre] right is, for the moment, in the Elysée. (réélu en 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012,2017).Le 13 octobre 2019, il est élu président des Républicains.Né le 4 décembre 1959 à Rozay-en-BrieJusqu’en 2002, membre du bureau politique du RPR : délégué général du RPR chargé de l’Agriculture (1998-2002), président de la Fédération RPR de Seine et Marne (1998-2002) Puis Président de la Fédération LR jusqu’en 2017 Leader of right-wing Les Républicains party Bernard Accoyer said the party had reunited and was re-launching Fillon's scandal-hit campaign. It’s Emmanuel Macron,” Gattegno told Europe1 radio.Laurent Wauquiez took 74.6% of Les Républicains votes, on an anti-immigration, anti-welfare platform that critics say plays into Front National hands“Each time, there’s the reflex to creep towards the hardcore right,” she said. His hard-right line does not, however, have unanimous support. Nous contacter. France Investigation Faire un don Adhérer. “By running after the Front National, we will end up by giving the far right power,” Riester said recently.“The more radical Laurent Wauquiez becomes, the more the centrist and moderate LRs are tempted to rally to the president.
Franck Riester, a former LR member of parliament, has left the party, accusing Wauquiez of playing into the FN’s hands. French opposition elects hard-right leaning leader This article is more than 2 years old Laurent Wauquiez took 74.6% of Les Républicains votes, on … Les Républicains (formerly known as Union for a Popular Movement; Union pour un Mouvement Populaire in French) is France's largest right-wing political party.