To that end, many of pictures on this roll were of people and family snapshots. 因みに僕は最初2本セットで買い、気に入ったので次は5本セットで買いました。それでは作例です。今回一眼レフを使ってなくて、キャノネットのみでの撮影です。もちろんフィルムも色んな種類ラインナップされていて、日本でも結構簡単に手に入れることが出来ます。ポートラはその中でもプロフェッショナル用の位置づけのカラーネガです。ただ、同じスキャナーで、また同じような条件の写真であってもPRO400HとEXTRA400の色は全く違いますし(もちろんKodakも)、自分でスキャンしてRGB別に同じ係数でネガポジ変換しても違うんで、それが面白いなぁと思うと同時に奥が深いなぁと実感するばかりです。※今まで使ったフィルムはこちらにまとめています。ご興味があればぜひ。僕も今後もっと使っていこうと思っていますので、何か良い写真が撮れたら載せたいと思いまーす!ということで、Kodak Portra 400の写真でしたがいかがだったでしょうか。モノクロフィルムの現像液D76なども販売しているので、昔からフィルム写真をやっている人にとってはとても身近な会社だと思います。僕自身も最初は、「メーカーが違うとは言っても、どちらも同じISO400のネガフィルムでしょ?」って思ってたんですが、実際に使ってみるとフジとはまた違った良い色だったので、作例と共にご紹介します!コダック社は歴史がある会社で、カラーフィルムやデジタルカメラを世界で初めて開発した会社です。が、アマゾンだと2本セットも売ってるので、まずはそれで試してみるのがオススメですね。 Portra, as the name suggests, is geared more for portraits. In early 2019 he started a website about film photography.You're most welcomed! I love TMax 400. What developer are you using?Would you mind explaining P400? But if you enjoy Delta 100 and TMax100 I would also recommend Fuji Acros (recently resurrected!) Go to next slide - Best Selling. You may be surprised just how nice it is converted to B&W. hahaThank you! Processed at ASA 400, I’ve shot it overexposed and severely underexposed with decent to good results. $49.98. The Rebel T2 is as easy to use as a modern digital camera, other than not getting a preview on a LCD screen. I do love Acros though I only managed to pick up 1 pro pack of 120 and a few rolls of 35mm before they quit making it. Thank youI'm pretty sure he means P for Portra, he's talking about Kodak Portra 400, as per the article.I've shot B&W exclusively with my 6x6 medium format camera (T-Max 400), but this article has me wanting to try out some Portra 400Nice! Gorgeous deep blacks.Ah I see. I was confused as he mentioned black and white films in connection with the P400 name, so I thought they might have been all black and white stocks.Have you ever shot film? At true ISO 400 speed, this film delivers spectacular skin tones plus exceptional color … I shot these photographs with a modern Canon Rebel T2 film camera loaded with Kodak Portra 400.

Limited Time Offer: Coming soon to all curent and future buyers of COMPLETE FILM EDITION v 1.0 You should circle back around and let me know what you think about it.I could see that happening with your 3200 films, particularly if you're using a developer not well suited for it. Thank you.I currently have 3 rolls of P400 in the freezer. Delta 3200 has been a long time favorite of mine for 120 and I've recently been shooting a fair amount of Delta 100 with some success. All in all, I have more faith in Kodak Portra 400 than I do with any other film stock. Condition is New. While it’s true that I prefer Portra 800 for the majority of shooting around home or on road trips and Kodak Gold is pretty hard to beat for 35mm, if I were going on a trip where I really wanted the best results I could get, I would pack Portra 400 over anything else.That's terrific!

This item: Kodak Portra 400 Professional ISO 400, 35mm, 36 Exposures, Color Negative Film (5 Roll per Pack) $49.98 ($166.60 / 100 g) Fuji Superia X-TRA 3 Pack ISO 400 36 Exp. And large format at that. Set of 50+ Lightroom Presets including all KODAK PORTRA series. In that same tradition, the new PORTRA 400 Film is the ideal choice for portrait and fashion photography, as well as for nature, travel and outdoor photography, where the action is fast or the lighting can't be controlled. I'm not sure I like it as much as TMax 100 but I've recently shot through one roll that and has been my favorite roll of the year I think.Ah you are well versed in many stocks! Thank you. Arista 190445 EDU Ultra Black & White Film ISO 400 4x5 50 Sheets. For the limited rolls I shot these days the price is not a factor for me, but for a professional as yourself I understand the desire for greater return on investment. For years, professional photographers have preferred Kodak PROFESSIONAL PORTRA Films because of their consistently smooth, natural reproduction of the full range of skin tones. The PORTRA 400 is the world's finest grain high-speed color negative film.

KODAK Portra 400 Color Negative Film ISO 400, 4x5", 10 Sheets, U.S.A. #8806465 $54.95 Kodak Portra 400, 35mm, 36 Exposures, Color Negative Film (5 Roll per Pack )