Many knots are not suitable for the risks involved in climbing. Figure 8 bend – For seizing the ends securely. The Double Overhand Loop is a very quick and easy way to tie a loop at the end of the line.

No responsibility is accepted for incidents arising from the use of this content. Double Overhand Threading End. Trim the knot and you are away.Here's how to tie the overhand loop knot...The best thing about using this knot and method to attach two lengths of line together is that if you push the knots together after the loops have been joined together, you can actually thread the hooklength out from the mainline loop making it really quick and easy to switch to either a thinner or a thicker hooklength in seconds.

Double surgeon’s loop For forming a loop at the end of the line, use this knot. Disclaimer: Any activity involving rope can be dangerous and may even be life threatening! It's a really easy knot to tie and when tied correctly and used correctly, will provide a small loop that can be used to lock on another loop in another length of line - for example, your hooklength or ready-tied hooklengths. Pass the end of the line through the loop created by the first overhand knot. Fold the line into half, then tie a single overhand knot. If you are seeking a knot for tying your hooklength to the end of your fishing mainline, the overhand loop knot is absolutely perfect...STEP 2: Fold the loop over to form another loop.STEP 1: Double your mainline to create a large loopSTEP 3: Pass the first loop at least twice through the second loop.Follow the same process with your hooklength and pass it through.It's a really easy knot to tie and when tied correctly and used correctly, will provide a small loop that can be used to lock on another loop in another length of line - for example, your hooklength or ready-tied hooklengths.STEP 4: Moisten the knot with saliva and pull it tight.

Tie a double overhand loop fishing knot. Many factors affect knots including: the appropriateness of knots and rope materials used in particular applications, the age, size, and condition of ropes; and the accuracy with which these descriptions have been followed. Surgeon’s knot – Leading it to be also named as the double surgeon’s knot. Where failure could cause property damage, injury, or death, seek professional instruction prior to use.

Double Overhand Stopper Knot Tying Instructions Tie an overhand knot at the end of a rope but do not tighten the knot down.
Knot illustrations contained in this web site are not intended for rock climbing instruction. Double Fisherman’s Knot.

Alternative Method: In addition to the technique shown in the animation, the Double Overhand Stopper Knot can also be tied by threading the end of the rope through the coil as shown here.
Knots Based On the Double Overhand Double fisherman’s knot – Uses a couple of the above knot one tied around the standing part of another. Pass the loop through the overhand knot once more, to make your knot more secure – moisten the knot and then tighten it – a firm and lasting Double Surgeon’s knot! It creates a reliable, moderately large, stopper knot. Tighten the knot down while sliding it into place at the end of the line. It is not a very strong knot but it is fine for attaching a sinker. An interesting knot that Berkley is recommending is their "Nano-Fil™ Knot", which is really just a trusty Palomar Knot with a double overhand knot instead of the single overhand knot.