It is truly an amazing community composed of unique perspectives nestled in the most supportive environment. "The School of Physical Therapy at Regis University in Denver consists of the faculty, current students, alumni, and clinical educators.Congratulations to the Creighton University School of Medicine Class of 2020! Formerly rank faculty in Regis DPT program, and prior to 1998 at North Georgia College & State University PT program. I already have on PPE so I go in.

She was chosen to be the first contributing author and lead Digital Author of Human Physiology, McGraw Hill education, in 2016. Her main teaching responsibilities will include foundations in PT practice, orthopaedic coursework, and modalities.

More . These little moments add up and you will realize that you are a capable student in this profession.Regis also wanted to give us a peak at what our daily lives would look like as a PT student by taking us into the anatomy lab and having us sit in on a class. Never have I been surrounded by such a reputable group of physical therapists and scientists. Search. Her efforts in combination with our entire organization’s leadership has kept us informed, safe and calm. So, I see residency taking us to another level, but, ultimately, we need to be addressed as primary care providers.-Priya Subramanian, SPT- Regis UniversitySo here I am: a second year DPT student just realizing that the real world is coming, and I finally get to be a part of it. For example, I was able to provide PT intervention for a patient intubated via endotrach to a BiPAP machine! Her research interests include collaboration and related services in educational environments, the lived experiences of individuals with disabilities and their families, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. Why does this always happen the moment I put on my mask?“I can’t believe you’re actually leaving.”The battle to contain COVID-19 and care for our patients is not yet complete, and the future is still uncertain. I find that there is some sort of stigma regarding medicating for depression and anxiety. Riopel is the founding Program Director and an Associate Professor in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Mental health and physical therapy go hand-in-hand. Lina will be one of 2 residents at the #1 rehab hospital in the nation (29 straight years at #1: is about empowering athletes to prepare, perform & recover. What sort of setting will I practice in, and will it be the right fit for me? She is also an APTA credentialed clinical instructor with experience mentoring numerous PT students in the clinic.Prior to moving to academia, Dr. Elinich worked in the inpatient acute rehabilitation setting at Moss Rehab for nine years, treating patients of all neurologic diagnoses, though specializing in the treatment of patients following cerebrovascular accidents. I was able to get a sense that this was a PT family and everyone was here to support each other. There was both a performance and visual arts competition; prizes included gift cards to REI (we are in Colorado, of course!) In the midst of the Pandemic, DPT Class of 2022’s Peter Lee has some perspective he would love to share with everyone. Even a simple conversation can make a difference.As a rehabilitation team, we banded together to make innovative discharge plans and identify key needs for ongoing education surrounding the COVID-19 virus. Congrats, almost grads!I park my car in the parking lot of the University of Colorado Hospital and begin my walk into the hospital. I discovered over the last year that I am capable of learning at a graduate level. True, I don’t have anatomy exams or human physiology practicals to worry about, but just writing about my newly found grown-up questions makes me anxious.This slideshow requires JavaScript.That “real world” of physical therapy is starting to make more sense to me every day. Check out Regis DPT students' reflections on recent events and take action against racism, however that may be for you.Are you looking for some deep relaxation with a therapeutic outcome? Steimling has served as a primary faculty for several post-professional physical therapy residency programs in orthopaedic and women’s health physical therapy in the Philadelphia area. They challenge me to be a teacher when they cannot find answers, and they shed light when I’m confused. Regis creates the most competent professionals by challenging its students to elevate their caliber of thinking.The Professional Ceremony inducts us into the Regis DPT program at the beginning of the semester.Michael takes a break from school and explores COI asked her, “Do you think I can?”April is one of the busiest months for PT students!

Don't worry! Riopel completed her PhD in Physical Therapy in 2015 from Nova Southeastern University.

I scramble for the ambu bag and begin giving breaths to the patient manually. #thisisregis #paradigmshift #wordsmatterPremiere physical therapy in Denver now offering revolutionary pain relief for back pain, arthritis, joint or nerve problems, and more. Sarah Luna earned a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Regis University in Denver, Colo., in 2004 and a bachelor's degree in Exercise and Sports Science from Texas State University in 2001.

I pass night shifters leaving the hospital still wearing a mask. Furthermore, if I want to truly serve society, I cannot simply treat individual patients.