I don’t have friends, I am struggling on my own and I am so lonely.

I just want to be with him. How will I ever come to terms with losing himAre you a dog person or a cat person?

KxDear Susan, Our stories and our timeline is nearly the same. I just don’t.all i want is my husband new friends would not be as deep. Not my choice.It’s hard to meet new people and make friends even when you aren’t a widow grieving your husband’s death. Thus, a widow dating a married man will be subjected to more criticism than a divorcee or a single woman—after all, she should know better what it … Now he’s gone and I see nothing getting done. Maybe we need to start a program called “Befriend a Widow”. Despite what you may think, some friends … Our team have over fifteen years’ experience of bringing people together online. Sharing your current aspirations and hopes for the future can put you on the right path to discovering someone special. If you’ve enjoyed a happy and fulfilling marriage, it can be easy to compare your previous partner with someone new. The reaction was many single guys hit on me, people took advantage of me, and now, after over a year and half of his passing, I am isolated in terms of ‘friends’, but my work life is my life line.

I am no contact with my mother due to her narcissism. Its amazing how our so called friends and family who were there in the good times and showed as if they cared when we lost our soulmate, have now gone….think we should ‘get over it’ ….’move on’….those words are all we hear and I am sure I speak for us all to say how ‘shameful’ it is.

my husband was my best friend and the love of my life and his death was sudden and i am deeply bereaved.

nice to find your blog.not sure if it will help me.

Assuming you’re a widow who wants to make friends (which is a big assumption, as many widows just don’t have the energy or motivation to start new friendships), how do you meet people? Dec. 19 2015 married at 19. I am 59 now …. We have so much in common and our interests are the same.
My only other thought is to remind oneself each and everyday that God loves US, and make sure that everyday that You love You.If decluttering is out of the question, consider donating your time. You never get over losing a member of the family, do you? 2 years weeping. You might even meet a kindred spirit! He kissed me goodbye and went to work.

i want him and i will die of grief. Our genuine care and consideration puts us at the forefront of widows and widowers dating in the US.At Widowsorwidowers.com the security of your personal details and communications are our top priority. thanks.May your husband rest in peace.I was widowed on December 15th 2016 and I am heartbroken.

Over time, dating can open up your life to new opportunities and pathways you may have never even considered. Anyway I have no friends. Valentine’s Day is coming up soon, and I imagine it will be difficult for many widows and widowers. My friends think I should have gotten over my husbands death by now !!! If you disagree with any of them, share your thoughts in the comments section below! I personally view the social side of things the biggest challenge, as we had many many couple friends, and now those seem awkward and many will likely fade away. I’m almost ready to give up, to be honest.

I became disabled last year 2018. It s pretty common to have people go back to their normal lives and “forget” about the Widows/widowers, so that is a common situation/feelings I tell people that I loved my wife and my life, and now I m just starting a new life, and its only just beginning. He never said anything bad to me. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that it takes time to meet friends you actually connect with. Volunteering in the right capacity will help you make new friends as a widow.

He was my best friend. I know; I’ve been struggling to meet kindred spirits and build true friendships.