We love … I believe there are three main reasons. Our world as it is now loves instant gratification. 4. You've heard (and been told) that you're not a mind-reader plenty of times by now, so making this mistake over and over again is starting to become a decision.A few months down the road, it will be tempting to think that your partner pretty much knows everything important about you; this can lead to a certain degree of complacency and can take a mental toll on both of you.We learn from one another as we go, so that means every day is a chance to make things better.Much like silly putty, relationships can be molded so both parties involved can be happy with their respective partners.Let's face it: For most of us, being the recipient of that message can only mean one thing, and in most cases, it represents the inevitable end of a relationship… or does it?Although I don't want you to label me as a believer of love at first sight just yet, I have been known to grow immediately attracted to some people right after initially meeting them.Often, we squander these opportunities when, in reality, they're the ones that will take things to the next level.Regardless of whether you're a guy or girl, the following talking points are, in my personal opinion, the three most popular reasons why people these days are falling out of love sooner than expected.We can't keep shooting ourselves in the foot and then wonder why things are on the decline.Achieving a great relationship is no easy task, and attaining that status will take everything you have, not only as an individual, but as a team player, too.But, a short time after this pinnacle, you begin seeing some red flags coming from your partner.Then, out of nowhere, you get the "we need to talk" text.As a preventive measure, try to keep the fire burning.

Let's face it: You probably owe it to yourself.You don't want to be the girl looking up #lovequotes on Instagram while having ice cream for dinner, or the guy calling his bros on a Tuesday to meet at the bar when you don't even drink.A quick gaze across a room, a meeting through a mutual friend or even running across each other's profiles online can do the trick.With this in mind, we need to find the urge to put our figurative feet in the air, kick back and relax when it comes to our relationships.Communication is indispensable in any relationship.

Sh’es the first to say things like, “It’s fine,” or, “Don’t … With this being said, for some people, it’s easy to walk out because they know they have other options.Starting a relationship requires time, effort and money. The way he feels around her. Labels can terrify some people, but for others, the uncertainty of where the relationship stands is also terrifying.Being “official” can suggest less freedom and less sexual variety. Adulthood tends to be delayed, and now there are more people going to college and grad school and moving back in with their parents.Some people find it easy to fall in love, others not so much. That would be asinine.Changes in behavioral patterns, unusual time management or even an unforeseen positive transformation can all fall under this category, and, more likely than not, it will catch your attention.You have to admit, there's something in the air when you come across intriguing personalities.Applying these to your current relationship will have a long-lasting effect, not only in duration, but in quality, too.Your partner isn't going to know whether or not you enjoy going to your in-laws, like his or her cooking or think highly of his or her job if you don't open your mouth.Think of it as a checklist to avoid so you don't have to endure the painful heartbreak that accompanies having to part ways.Compromise, dedication and patience are all key aspects tested under a successful union, and a lack of any of these attributes will send your relationship into a downward spiral.Now that we're grown adults, most of us fall under a category that needs to adhere to a distinct ritual that works for us.I would hate for all the hard work you've put in to go in vain.These days, it doesn't take much to grab someone's attention.It's no surprise that as human beings, we tend to get comfortable when something in our lives makes its presence felt on a consistent basis.As we get to know each other, we become in tune with our likes and dislikes.This ritual is primordially composed of habits and patterns that we become accustomed to in order to be satisfied with our own definitions of progress.Worry about the days it stops happening; that means there's nothing left to fight for.You remember playing with silly putty as a kid?

Modern dating has become so ambiguous and confusing. So why is so darn hard to fall in love now?