According to Tim Bradner, writing for the Alaska Journal of Commerce, in 2016 the state faced a $3.5 billion dollar deficit. Things you should consider before moving to Alaska and its pros and cons are followed by few facts below: Did you know that Alaska was controlled by Russia from the late 1700s until 1867.

Alaska has managed relatively well during the Covid-19 crisis registering ten deaths and 39 active cases as of May 12, the second lowest rates of any US state. While there have been movements over the years to move the state capital to either Anchorage or Fairbanks, Juneau has remained the capital. The debate began in the 1960s, and in 1974, a measure to move the state capital was approved under the administration of Governor Hammond. The cost of such a move proved too much for Alaska voters, however. Haessler is a dog musher who decided to move from rapidly growing Anchorage, Alaska's largest cuty, to get away from the influx of people attracted by oil. But then-governor John Brady resisted. Their efforts succeeded.The discovery of gold deposits in the area that became Juneau-Douglas in 1880 caused that region to grow larger than Sitka in population, influence and accommodations. Alaska does famously give an annual check out of more than $2,000 to each resident, so this may help offset the higher-than-average living costs.Denali National Park is six million acres of pristine wilderness showcasing North America’s tallest mountain: Denali. In September, the surveyor-general boarded a steamer with 40 tons of paperwork and traveled to Juneau, which completed the transfer of Alaska's "seat of government. While some delegates wanted to avoid the issue, those who wanted the capital to remain in Juneau hoped the final draft of the constitution would make it the permanent capital. "Juneau became the capital of the 49th state on Jan. 3, 1959, after U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the statehood act into law. This restriction was included because politicians and business people of both cities did not want an opposing city to gain the benefits. The Alaska Division of Elections homepage does, however, offer each measure to move the capital that has ever been formally considered as well as a vote count. Juneau probably will remain our state's capital well into the foreseeable future. The Alaska State Capital Relocation Initiative, also known as Initiative 1, was on the November 6, 1962 ballot in Alaska as an indirect initiated state statute, where it was defeated.The measure would have moved the Alaska state capital in Juneau to a location in "Western Alaska.". This was an absurd provision that eliminated the two most reasonable replacement capitals. And the debate as to whether the capital should be moved from Juneau has been going on ever since. Only two state capitals — Annapolis, Maryland, and Juneau, Alaska — have a median household income above $80,000. According to Katie Moritz, reporter for Juneau Empire, the move was estimated to potentially cost taxpayers $2.8 billion at the time.Make no mistake it would cost the State of Alaska a significant expense to move the capital to Anchorage. The Should You Move to a New City quiz asks takers to consider their current climate, romantic relationships, job skills, financial situation and sense of adventure as they navigate through a series of 12 questions to determine if they are ready to move. It was then purchased by the United States for $7.2 million. Employment is also extremely low in Alaska, so if you’re looking to pack up and move here, you probably should have a job lined up first! The effort died, not only because of the cost of the move but because of the mutual mistrust of Alaska’s two largest cities; Anchorage and Fairbanks.The Alaskan people chose Willow as the new location of the capital. We shouldn’t give oil away at a price that robs all Alaskans of a better future.Alaskans have a choice in November.Why you should phone or write elected officials.Here’s how to add your voice to the conversation.To paraphrase President Donald Trump, “not many people know” that Big Brother…The spectacle we’re witnessing in Donald Trump’s continued crackdown against American citizens…The Alaska State Capitol. The short answer to why Juneau is the capital of Alaska: Mining. Aftermath. Alaska has a total population of 738,432 as of 2015. The 600-page document was the longest bill ever passed by Congress at the time.After much research, Willow was determined to be the best site for a new capital. The Interior Department finally terminated Brady's tenure and appointed Wilford B. Hoggatt as governor in March 1906. So if attorneys had issues to resolve, they had to hope they could conclude their business quickly or they would have to wait two weeks to catch the next ship back home.So why did the Americans choose to move government offices to Juneau?Juneau lawyers began pressuring Congress to pass a bill that would move Alaska's seat of government to Juneau, stating the town now was the largest city in Alaska, had become an established mining town and had a promising future.