The Saint Peter Claver Foundation is 501c3 organization which serves the charitable division of the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc. Coming quickly upstairs, Brother Nicolas found Claver on the floor, having passed from this life to the next. Then, using our own cloaks, for they had nothing of this sort, and to ask the owners for others would have been a waste of words, we provided for them a smoke treatment, by which they seemed to recover their warmth and the breath of life. Petrus Claver, eigentlich Pere Claver i Socobano, (* 25.Juni 1580 in Verdú, Katalonien; † 8. We made every effort to encourage them with friendly gestures and displayed in their presence the emotions which somehow naturally tend to hearten the sick.Claver came from an ethic of religious consecration where missionaries dared death, hardship, sickness and every conceivable challenge to bring the gospel to foreign lands. ... so that the sacrament of baptism became to the slaves, unfortunately, a sign and symbol of their oppression and wretchedness instead of their salvation. He became almost entirely inactive, but would sometimes hear confessions, especially of his dear friend Doña Isabella de Urbina who had always generously supported his work with her money.Claver was buried in the floor off the sacristy of the chapel of the Jesuit residence. Pope Leo XIII sent a golden coffin for his remains along with a pipe organ which sits in the choir loft of the Church to this day. The trade had recently been given a considerable impetus, for the local Indians –the natives- were deemed not physically fitted to work in the gold and silver mines and so there was this big demand for blacks from Angola and Congo. There were two blacks, nearer death than life, already cold, whose pulse could scarcely be detected. But then, America did not give up on the idea. These were bought in West Africa for four crowns a head, or bartered for goods and sold in America for an average two hundred crowns-a-piece.

Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited.Author and Publisher - Catholic Online Sometimes, Claver would spend almost the entire day in the great square of the city, where the four principal streets met, preaching to all who would stop to listen. 14-141)New lands to the west crossing the Atlantic Ocean had been discovered two hundred years previous. His memorial is celebrated on September 9.Peter Claver was born to a prosperous family in Verdu, Spain, and earned his first degree in Barcelona. Las Posadas Children leading the procession during a Las Posadas celebration at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church in Tyler, Texas, December 20, 2016. Peter gave short instruction in the Catholic faith and baptized as many as he could. He then went on board with translators to bring his gifts as well as his skills as a doctor and teacher. In addition, African chiefs easily bartered away to the white traders their criminals, those captured in war, the mentally unstable, and the sick and other social misfits. Peter Claver baptized more than 300,000 slaves by 1651, when he was sickened by the plague.In 1654 Peter was anointed with the oil of the Sacrament of the Sick. There the Jesuit lay brother and porter, St. Alfonso Rodriguez, told him that