I formed a commitment to the path of mysticism and spiritual study. The planet is a gas giant, along with Jupiter, meaning that it is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium.The large planet has a radius that is roughly nine times the radius of Earth, and is notable for its large ring system that is made up of ice particles, rocks, and dust. Be at ease. She lined up her loan from a bank, months ahead of time. Cut through neurotic speed. Its year is roughly 29 1/2 Earth years long. They are the planets most concerned with vocational development, the development of our occupation and our pursuit of success. Its Time To Get Down To Business And Saturn Is Here To Help! Whatever is set in motion at the conjunction is carried forward and has continuing ramifications over the next twenty years, according to the sign and natal house the conjunction falls in, and the aspects formed to natal planets.One woman told me that at the closing square she was burdened by a sense of a failure, feeling that he had not achieved the goals she set for herself at the conjunction. Another man, with Jupiter conjunct MC and Saturn conjunct IC, found a publisher for his novel after years of work to complete it.These two planets used to be known as the “Great Chronocrators,” or rulers of the ages. Saturn is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for boys. Her life became focused on creating financial stability and wealth.

(1)The twenty year cycle of Jupiter and Saturn defines the story of our efforts to pursue constructive long-term projects, to build our life structures and enterprises.

This may mean a determination to earn more money. A man with Saturn conjunct MC and Jupiter conjunct IC in 1989 entered a period of notable accomplishment in his legal career, arguing two cases before the State Supreme Court. Then, during the square in 1986, she expanded her school and went national with her work through promotional advertising and a lecture tour. Connect to the consciousness of the cow.

We place greater emphasis on working hard and saving money. One woman who had the conjunction in her 5th house decided to get married specifically for the purpose of having children. Jupiter-Saturn was transiting her 11th house so her teaching involved not just lecturing but also facilitating group process (11th house). This was the formative commitment of the conjunction. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2020 worldatlas.comHumans have been aware of Saturn and other inner planets since prehistoric times, although its earliest recorded history can be traced to Babylonian astronomers who observed and recorded its movements on Sumerian clay tablets which date back to between 3500 BC and 3200 BC. With transiting Jupiter in her 4th house, she established a new base of operations, moving to a major city and opening two new centers. Taurus is the sign of the ox, a beast of burden. I formed an association with a mentor, Andres Takra, an astrologer from Venezuela, who hired me as his assistant. Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, 24° Taurus, June 2000Jupiter and Saturn are the planetary pair that refers to the urge to find a mode of meaningful participation in social living. Feel your roundness and solidity, the strength of your legs beneath you, connected through your feet to the earth below. To read what Saturn represents in astrology, go to Lesson 5: The Planets. The major phases of their cycle correspond to turning points in our efforts to actualize our ambitions.The Jupiter-Saturn in Taurus has made financial growth and stability a major issue for this entire cycle lasting from 2000 to 2020.. A woman who had Jupiter conjunct her MC and Saturn at her IC received a large donation from a millionaire philanthropist, which enabled her to expand her business. Taurus corresponds to the level of agrarian societies, learning the arts of cultivation, so this recent conjunction has asked us to learn to cultivate crops and products of concrete value and intrinsic worth, crafted with artistry.The third quarter square of Jupiter-Saturn occurred in February 1995 at 13° Sag/Pisces and in November 1995, at 19° Sag/Pisces.