This color has an approximate wavelength of 471.39 nm.

In the HSL model, it is represented by 222° hue, 86% saturation and 22% lightness. Server and domain have been paid with my own funds. #0f52ba color hex could be obtained by blending #1ea4ff with #000075. The hexidecimal color, #0a667c, looks similar to "Blue sapphire" because they look the same at a quick glance. Thank you a lot and May the Force be with you! This small site is a result of a hard-working process of one person. The Combo Library provides a convenient way to search sapphire color schemes. Color information #002354 (or 0x002354) is unknown color: approx Sapphire.HEX triplet: 00, 23 and 54.RGB value is (0,35,84). Reveal the rainbow of colors & unique varieties available to you when choosing a sapphire gemstone for your jewelry! Name Hex (RGB) HTML/CSS (RGB) RGB RGB (%) CMYK HSV; Sapphire: 4E5DA9 #4E5DA9: 78, 93, 169: 30.59, 36.47, 66.27 : 53.85, 44.97, 0, 33.73 Thank you a lot and May the Force be with you! Having a set of related colors can be useful if you need an inspirational alternative to your original color choice. Color information #001860 (or 0x001860) is unknown color: approx Sapphire.HEX triplet: 00, 18 and 60.RGB value is (0,24,96). In the additive RGB color model, color #082567 (hexadecimal – hex triplet) has values of 8 (3% red), 37 (15% green) and 103 (40% blue). In the HSL color space #0f52ba has a hue of 216° (degrees), 85% saturation and 39% lightness. Hex Color and RGB Code for Sapphire, with Hex Code #082567 and RGB code 8, 37, 103 Its decimal value is 1004218.Below, you can see some colors close to #0f52ba. When people from western culture see this color, Blue sapphire (#0a667c), used in media, the following may come to mind: being simplistic, sleek, graceful, travel, and something classic.

Color information #001E82 (or 0x001E82) is unknown color: approx Sapphire.HEX triplet: 00, 1E and 82.RGB value is (0,30,130).

Sapphire / #0f52ba Hex Color Code. This link will take you to the Combo Tester, where you can view a larger version of each color palette. Thank you a lot and May the Force be with you!

In the CMYK (subtractive color model), color #082567 has values 92% cyan, 64% magenta, 0% yellow and 60% black. All funds will be immediately invested in the future support and new feature development.

In the RGB color model #0f52ba is comprised of 5.88% red, 32.16% green and 72.94% blue. Sum of RGB (Red+Green+Blue) = 0+24+96=120 (15% of max value = 765).Red value is 0 (0.39% from 255 or 0% from 120); Green value is 24 (9.77% from 255 or 20% from 120); Blue value is 96 (37.89% from 255 or 80% from 120); Max value from RGB is 96 - color contains mainly: blue.

All new feature development occasionally happens in the after-work hours only and driven by its owner's desperate passion. If you do like this site or it has helped you by any means, you can support this resource financially in any possible way you prefer. Name Hex (RGB) HTML/CSS (RGB) RGB RGB (%) CMYK HSV; Sapphire: 27489A #27489A: 39, 72, 154: 15.29, 28.24, 60.39 : 74.68, 53.25, 0, 39.61 This can be useful if you need to ensure your color combinations are accessible to color-blind users.The hexadecimal color #0f52ba has RGB values of R:15, G:82, B:186 and CMYK values of C:0.92, M:0.56, Y:0, K:0.27.