It’s okay to open up your heart and want to be with someone, too. I think girls do it as a way of saying “I don’t need a boyfriend!” When really, it’s a cry for more attention.

Do you talk on the phone? Your options get limited. Is there something wrong with you?Mind you, the girl had no idea he was your somewhat significant other, but jealousy and embarrassment never seem to care about the logistics.

You tell each other that it’s not a serious relationship, and you are positive that isn’t what you want right now anyway.Then, they want to be cool and casual while also strangling someone at a bar until the police have to pry them off.You don’t have to.

I’ve had a girlfriend for two years and I haven’t found it necessary to change my status.

The only thing complicated right now is figuring out why we are even friends on Facebook (let alone in life) in the first place. The battles are small, but add up.Everyone wants to be wanted.

Complicated doesn’t mean difficult unless you don’t try to understand where the horse is coming from. This is also the status that many people put up directly after they break up with someone.Here’s another interesting one.

They’ll start wanting to do double dates.

You could have left it blank and let people infer for themselves whether or not you were single, but you wanted to make it clear. Trainers Fall Off Too. There are no guarantees that the other person will pick up the phone at any time and make you smile on your worst of days.This creates a sense of resentment. Way too much information for the average person there, buddy. Should he take you out on Valentine’s Day? What amuses me, though, is the young couples who put “married” as their status when they are just dating.Moral of the story, there are hundreds of dating sites out there for you to express your relationship status, just leave your Facebook one blank.I have yet to see this as someone’s actual status, but if I ever do, boy will I have a huge laugh! When it does, people can get hurt.There are no promises of his integrity or that he won’t get up and leave you at any moment. “We’re not insecure, we’re just messing around!” When in fact, this is the couple who is overall the most insecure about themselves and their relationship among their peers.Really? You’re technically not together. This infamous sort of relationship is not easily understandable, yet it is very frequently practiced. Or the video your fiancé uploaded of him proposing to you in front of the entire baseball stadium. It’s a game of tug-of-war that never seems to end. I’m not trying to put a message on my girlfriend’s wall that says "TAKEN."Now if you are actually married, I understand at this point in time having “married” on Facebook.

But at the same time, we probably could already tell by the hundreds of pictures you posted holding up the damn ring.

Watch Relationship Status:It’s Complicated In Hindi portrays Love, jealousy, pride, and a love game that goes hand in hand with friendship and misunderstandings. That’s just sad.

).The amount of pictures we have should speak for itself. “In a relationship” is an insecure status that mature couples shouldn’t actually need to post as their status. Don’t try to create weird hybrid relationships if there is anything about it that doesn’t feel like what you want.The worst part is that you aren’t sure about any of these things and can still feel hurt and disappointed if you expect something he or she had no intention of doing in the first place.He doesn’t have to be to there to wipe away tears or tell you that he has your back no matter what happens.You see, people want to be casual and totally cool with dating other people, which is sustainable until they see someone with whom they spend a lot of time in the arms of someone else.There’s only so much you can do with someone when you are constantly trying to make sure you don’t take things too far. So, that means you can be with other people, right? Pure hilarity!

Sometimes people go from “in a relationship” to “it’s complicated” because they’re on a break or are experiencing problems.

The couple who does this is a bit showy.What these couples are doing is trying to make it seem like Facebook statuses are a joke, when in fact they take them the most seriously. What Is Meaning And Definition Of It’s Complicated Relationship Status: It’s complicated is a brand new relationship status.