You need to click into each theme and hope the author provided a decent screenshot.Discover new trending themes for VS Code that are growing in popularity.Thanks for sharing but I can't find any reason to replace Night Owl with anything's the best!What is that font used it Horizon Theme?

"material-icon-theme.folders.theme": "specific" Custom icon opacity. If you like this post, you should also check out my other projects:VSCode default color scheme or bust.I'm using RBE Matrix Skin Theme + Chalice and may not be good for youCreate templates to quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.I've been using Cobalt2 for a year or so. ... GitHub Plus is a full VSCode light theme inspired by the GitHub colour scheme.

Originally inspired by the Material theme for Sublime. Material Theme Kit for Visual Studio Code. ext install material theme And pick the one by Mattia Astorino (Equinusocio) (me) as author. With Material Theme your dev experience will get a boost and your eyes will be always grateful to you. I finally opted for Horizon theme.Your site looks beautiful and its functional. I looked at these themes, cheers! For example you could change the folder theme to "classic" and define icons only for the folder names you like.With the following configuration you can customize the language icons. I've even included a few interesting icon packs to customize VS Code even more. I did about 3 months ago and it took me 1 month the remember what the new icons meant...lolZeonica looks awesome. You can install icon packs as you would other themes.I've tried thousands since I suck at development so I waste my time changing themes and my current is MOONLIGHT II but ROSE PINE is awesome too and more importantly super easy on the eyes.We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers.Do you prefer to work in the dark? The icons will be visible immediately.The following configuration can customize the folder icons. If you liked the plugin, you can support me on Paypal or OpenCollective.We have a Gitter and a Slack chat room set up where you can talk directly with us. Thanks for sharing Geoff.VS Code also lets you customize the icons in your editor. Vscode Palenight Theme An elegant and juicy material-like theme for Visual Studio Code. You can set a custom opacity for the icons: "material-icon-theme.opacity": 0.5 Custom icon saturation. It looks great btwAs a big fan of themes, thank youI wanted a more consistent way to browse, hope others enjoy it too :)hahhaha, that's time for happiness.A constructive and inclusive social network.