Isaiah 43:10-11).Then in the comments string after posting the above yesterday, today John Mark Comer received pushback; and his obfuscating answer only further clouds his polytheism:You can listen to this clip below:Nobody credible is saying these “gods” are nonentities. Fifty. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.No Kindle device required. Maybe it’s the thin atmosphere of thirty thousand feet, but I don’t think so. There are no fireworks in the sky.

But the time has come for it to be uncaged, let loose in the wild.My favorite invitation of Jesus comes to us via Matthew’s gospel:I got into this thing to teach the way of Jesus.That was me to the proverbial T.When we first went to six, I called up this megachurch pastor in California who’d been doing six for a while.My Uber ride home to binge-watch Keanu Reeves was five years and as many lifetimes ago. Half alive, half dead. You find the entrance to John Mark Comer's office at the back of a hip coffee shop in Portland, Oregon. Novel concept, right? One road was paved and led to a city with lights. Enough to chart a trajectory to plot the character arc of my life a few decades down the road.Wait…isn’t a marathon really hard?Why am I in such a rush to become somebody I don’t even like?But the thing is, I feel like a ghost. We’re preaching what God told us in Scripture; they’re not gods, they are demons impersonating God:As I get ready to close this, for now, let me give you John Mark Comer’s denial of monotheism in favor of so-called creational monotheism. “It’s just like running a marathon once a week.”I see a man who is “successful,” but by all the wrong metrics: church size, book sales, speaking invites, social stats, etc., and the new American dream―your own Wikipedia page. And for the first time in years, I’m smiling at the horizon.“Easy,” he said. Wasn’t tough enough (okay, mostly true). Or here’s one I will get for months: He’s turning his back on God’s call on his life. I’m still in my marriage, but it’s duty, not delight. Prior to planting Bridgetown, John Mark was the lead pastor of a suburban megachurch. I’m to take the unpaved road.Fast-forward three months: flying home from London. Becoming more like Jesus.

Apprising Ministries has been covering the developing story of polytheist John Mark Comer, pastor of Solid Rock Church; a multi-site organization that boasts a membership of some 7,000 on a given Sunday.. It’s a growing gathering and, as you can see below, John Mark Comer’s even been at the influential evangelical conference known as Catalyst.1 Note the afternoon session listed below:

But with each mile east, I’m flying back to a life I dread.“It all started when he got obsessed with indie marital arts movies…”“As go the leaders, so goes the church.” This is the moment. He is the pastor for teaching and vision at Bridgetown Church. Crack open a beer. Download one of the Free Kindle apps to start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, and computer.Speaking of Jesus, I have this terrifying thought lurking at the back of my mind. Three names appear in the New Testament for this early Christian: John Mark, his Jewish and Roman names; Mark; and John. Who am I without the mega?