Simply put, it’s just a methodical way of planning your cash inflows and outflows.Ready? The promotions/event calendar provides a view into what resources like staff requirements, shop van, signs, product, etc. You own it, you define it, and you are its keeper. Mick Murphy, Mickey Cranks 1.

Then let’s get started.Make sure your staff understands your mission and vision. Putting these sub plans together, and understanding them, helps you establish practices that will give you better results in sales, management, customer engagement, employee morale, and more.The year is young. What brand of store are you? Mountain bike rentals may be an exception, but even then your local area needs to offer mountain bike trails and a thriving mountain biking culture if your startup is going to have a chance at surviving more than a few months.A first-rate business plan is job one for your startup bicycle rental business.Eventually, you may want to expand your rental offerings to include skates and/or skis. Starting a Bicycle Shop Wanting to start a bicycle shop and looking for a guide to help you put up one? Work out your potential target market, margins, overheads and produce a financial forecast. Bill Figel, ChicagoA few of the tech giants we’re so familiar with have been leading the way for years not only in global tech domination, but in bike-friendly business strategy as well. One category is the average bike shop, and the other is the high-performance shop, identified as being in the top 25% of the industry with regard to profitability. Having a sale is a great way to introduce new products, tempt new customers and augment seasonal sales. Providing secure bicycle parking is one of the easiest ways to encourage your employees to ride, and neglecting to do so is the easiest way to ensure any other efforts you make at bike-friendliness will fail. This article will provide you with an overview of what’s to come, so you can look forward to future articles fleshing out each of these practices in fuller detail.Seasonality, promotions/events, cash flow—they’re all in motion, all the time. ONLINE STORE. Order too conservatively and you might be forfeiting valuable discount points that help to drive profitability.When it comes time to put pen to paper (or finger to mouse), the first thing to know about forecast planning is: forecasts are always wrong.Once your sales forecast is complete, total it by brand and multiply each total by your previous year’s cost of goods sold percentage. Prior to opening a bicycle rental business in your town, it's a good idea to find out how strong the competition is. Sales staff should be taught how to upsell renters by encouraging them to move up to the next rung on the rental ladder.Bike rental outfits charge by the hour, half-day, day and weekend. Look into situating your business in a location that’s easily accessible by bike. Just as you have metrics to measure your success in sales, brand reach, customer acquisition, or whatever it is you’re trying to achieve, you can and should set goals for your company’s bicycling program. We have everything you need to run a successful bicycle shop! Maybe you’d like to see 100% of your staff bike to work at least twice a week.