Petey tries to get the books back, only to get hurt by all the playing children.Soon, everyone doesn't read and, just like Petey predicts, they become stupid.In the cat jail, the dog thinks of how he can revenge on Petey.

When the last bone hits Philly, the hot dog sees that the bones are coming from the cage, ordering Philly to destroy the cage, setting all of the dogs free.Petey, holding a dog whistle and a megaphone, rounds up all the dogs in town including Dog Man himself. He walks out of Cat Jail and then begins his schemes. Soon, everyone flees from them and no-one enters them anymore, thanks to Petey. So Petey takes a car, waving goodbye to the manager. We will continue to find new opportunities that push us to be better, to do more for ourselves and future generations. The other officers ask Dog Man to give a speech, but due Dog Man's lack of speaking English, he decides to show a video of the Mayor talking with Dr. Scum. I want to hear from you so that together, we can ensure the Queen City remains a great place to live, work, start a business and raise a family.Manchester has transitioned from an era of textiles to one of technology and higher education. Soon, everyone gets their knowledge back and cheer for Dog Man.Petey reads his books back at his lab, which are the only informative books left on Earth. She keeps saying that they sold them by the dozen, even though Petey asked for twelve. They search in their tree house, but find some of their old Dog Man comics and have a good laugh. (Warning: Contents under pressure. Dog Man attempts to bite him, but Petey just sprints away. When it's lunch time, Petey decides to use the spray on his hot dog, causing the hot dog to grow arms and legs and a face, bringing him to life. It follow the story of a dog-headed human and the events of one day that an evil cat's luck changed. The mayor decides to appoint a new chief. He demanded for a car, while the manager was talking about his cat having 'eleventeen puppies' and his mother 'who is five years old'. Not what you were looking for? "After the effort to try and collect books scattered near the playground furniture, Petey is arrested. He applies the spray on his body, rendering him completely invisible. He brings them all to a cage with a spiky roof.Two weeks later, according to the smartometer, the world becomes 'Supa Dumb'. Petey then teases Dog Man about the fact that he will never find him because he's never washing off the spray. The robot shoots a missile, giving Petey the moment to run away from it, causing the store to be destroyed instead.
At the end of Captain Underpants and The Attack of The Talking Toilets Color Edition, a teaser for the Dog Man Comic Book is coming out soon … The hotdog finds the living spray can on the floor, and starts to laugh a sinister way.Soon after, the cops find out Dog Man pooed in Chief's office.

His toenails are long, his room is messy and he becomes unhygienic. So Petey tests it out more on stop signs, bookstores, schools and libraries. The Manchester City Online Shop has a great range of new crested products, with new products arriving each day. He keeps throwing bones, with the hotdog warning him.

The police soon find out and, as a result, Chief is fired. The Manchester City Online Shop has a great range of new crested products, with new products arriving each day.