Would love to hear you share your views. I can open and close the 28cm size with one hand while the bag is hanging from my shoulder. {{#totalTax}}{{totalTax}}{{/totalTax}} {{^totalTax}}--{{/totalTax}}hermes.ginza.calendar.status-spare-seat{{shippingDurationPreLabel}} {{shipping_duration}} {{shippingDurationPostLabel}}{{#totalItems}} {{#totalTax}}{{totalTax}}{{/totalTax}} {{/totalItems}} {{^totalItems}}--{{/totalItems}}hermes.ginza.calendar.status-availableTo check the progress of your order, please enter your email and order number below.

{{shipping_address.name}} {{#shipping_address.displaySama}}様{{/shipping_address.displaySama}}{{#titleContactUs}}{{titleContactUs}}{{/titleContactUs}}Select which items you would like to return, then please follow the instructions.Hello {{firstname}} {{lastname}}!Please note, should you switch locations, you will lose the contents of your cart.Welcome to Hermes.com. It’s Vert de Gris, a greenish gray Thanks very much for the info. maybe u can help me which one to choose. {{#hasTax}}{{tax_amount}}{{/hasTax}}{{^hasTax}}--{{/hasTax}}John Lobb, the finest English bootmaker since 1849.hermes.ginza.calendar.program-information{{#address_element_to_show}} {{shipping_address.region_label}}{{shipping_address.city}} {{/address_element_to_show}} {{shipping_address.street1}}{{shipping_address.street2}}{{order.order_number}}{{increment_id}}Payments are authenticated and secured thanks to the 3D Secure system.

A skin becomes a bag through an ingenious series of folds, available in three versions: two sizes of bag, to wear on the shoulder or cross-body with an adjustable chain or leather strap, and a clutch to hold in the palm of the hand.

May i know whats the leather combi? Sizes 32cm and 35cm are traditionally the most popular but recently smaller versions of the Kelly Bag have exploded in …


What color combi and leather is that? {{dayNames}}{{#hours}}: {{hours}}{{/hours}}{{name}} welcome to Hermes.com! I will add that I don’t like to overstuff my bags – I can never find anything when that occurs and I end up spilling everything out trying to answer my cell phone. because im seraching for mini kelly bags and which size is the mini bags in thankss? I really like your blog and am following you from now on!I receive a lot of questions about the Kelly bag and Hermes bags in general, so today I’m making my best efforts to address a few of the most frequently asked in this post!

{{^refundOrExchangeEnabled}}{{purchase_price}}{{/refundOrExchangeEnabled}}{{#refundOrExchangeEnabled}}{{refundable_price}}{{/refundOrExchangeEnabled}}hermes.ginza.calendar.status-reserved-description{{shipping_address.shipping_instructions}}hermes.ginza.account.new-member-descriptionhermes.ginza.calendar.status-next-reserved-description{{calculatedDistanceHumanReadable}}{{#totalShipping}}{{totalShipping}}{{/totalShipping}} {{^totalShipping}}--{{/totalShipping}}Your payment is verified and secured thanks to the 3D Secure system. The price may vary between items of a different size or color. World auction record for a Hermès […]Hi there…I’m not too sure, it should be around 8-9K I believe? You could probably fit more in each bag if you wanted but I would suggest not weighing them down too much!Wearing a 28, “all buttoned up” with clasps and turnlock affixedWearing a 32 how I normally do – clasp fixed, straps hangingthank you for this thorough this review – i love the 32 and even the 35 but you’ve definitely made a compelling case for the 28!Great tips! It is so difficult to get brand new ones (limited choice of colours and sizes too).