He is the kindest male I have ever met. I’ve always collected a lot of it, my favorite singer being Fei-Yu-Ching (Qing-alternate sp). If you left your home to move to your loved one’s home country, you are a Lovepat.I try not to focus on stereotypes, but a lot of what I love about my hubby are stereotypical things (did I just say that? Lately I met a Scottish guy at we clicked immediately. It can be presumed that the statutes in India can work in the absence of such act as well. Having one of the most difficult languages in the world as a base is probably the best gift that you can give your kids!Yes, marrying a foreigner has its benefits and challenges. NO. I send them into a tizzy. It turns out to be true, and annoying. This year we’ll be celebrating our 10th anniversary. I wanted to make him visit my country this summer, but his visa application got denied…. To love someone and not have the ability to be near them is the pits, I can tell u. please?a Singaporean Chinese married to a British IndianI hope it is ok for a single man like me with no kids and married been married to neither in culture or off culture to say something. I will have a look at that one now and I will let you know what I think about it!question/ how did he come to america i have ahusband in the Gambia and i want him here in the states so we can actually get married. This keeps things challenging and entertaining. Otherwise Chinese make great husbands!I’m Asian and my partner is Australian.

We are still close friends but he has moved on and is now with someone else, a local girl. He likes Chinese food a lot.Hello, I am Nino from Georgia (country) Married to English man. A surprising number of women here have this as one of their default settings. And he has mastered speaking Spanish. All I can say is that the accent, exoticness or cultural differences really don’t matter. And our three kids are not some cute biracial babies, they are our children. Reason to travel. He also like my culture and is able to speak some mandarian. And as we were both foreigners we felt really proud to share our culture with each other.2. I went to Ireland to hang out with the Irish, not some German guy!

What happens when that person realizes that you are really just a schmo that nobody likes and can’t get a date in their home country? !1 You know he/she truly loves you because of the pressure long distance communication puts on a relationship. Raised to be respectful.What should I tell my love? By the way, we tried the onion skins one year but ended up with completely brown eggs. I also love erhu music and there are many other singers I like. For my son and I it was like having our own secret language. Maybe I’d feel similar to like I do now? Russian would be nice, too, but, believe it or not, so far my fiancée hasn’t tried to teach that language to her daughter. Intercultural marriage can be very rewarding, precisely because of its unique challenges. @chris, your story is inspiring. I think there is no reason to marry a foreigner, other than they are the person who you want to spend the rest of your life with. I would love my future kids to grow up in a bilingual environment, maybe even trilingual if we can afford to have a Nanny *. This creates my wife’s single biggest annoyance about having a foreign husband—doing our joint taxes. Accents don’t keep you warm at night but a decent, loving man does!6. You meet online, go visit a couple of times, and then bring her over.I am Canadian and i married a woman from China. Apostil.co.za can assist in well under a month, remotely and without having to receive couriered documentation contact us through this form). If you live in his country, you might view that differently!Emily, thanks for posting #7. Your kids are always the most gorgeous at any given event.

May God bless you all.i myself am married to a foreigner (well, we are both foreigners in the country we live in) and i did a lot of research and read a ton of books, spoke to other multicultural couples before i made the decision to marry the love of my life. She is really international looking.

It’s not at all the marriage of two families, legally speaking. I have been busy reading about all the laws concerning me moving there. We are best friends and talk about anything . Please join me in my Happiness .

How did u get through it? In the end, marry someone for the right reasons.5. I’m going back in October to be married and cannot wait!

I am unsure about how my family will repsond to this relationship because they have not met him yet.

Marrying a foreigner is just like anyone else–it is their inner qualities that are most important. This leads to more cases of mothers kidnapping their children in the case impending divorce. I met him in December 2010 and we have kept our longdistanced relationship going.

I think everyone here adores their significant other…and everything that makes them unique.I am American, which is the culmination of my French and Swedish grandparents. Love you My Foreigner Girlfriend .I think your article is very funny!Well I am not as advanced as all of u. I am deeply and unmistakenly in love with my forerign honey,yes, however , we are not married but long to be.