But the worlds converge thanks to actors who have appeared in both. Martin.

Harry Lloyd was born on November 17, 1983 in London, England. [Makeup designer] Paul Engelen, we had a very quick session to put all the burn makeup on, and then we had a funny smoke machine that I wore around my neck with this gold paint…. HBO's epic fantasy drama based on George R.R. I did some research and talked to some doctor friend about what would kill you. Martin's novel series 'A Song of Ice and Fire. "Harry Potter and "Game of Thrones" are completely different worlds. It's always crude to link Dickens back to the blacking factory where he was sent to work aged 12 when his father was imprisoned in Marshalsea Prison for bad debt, but it was obviously a huge part of him.Harry Lloyd was born on November 17, 1983 in London, England.

Would it be the gold penetrating the skull? It’s your final moment on a show, you stop worrying about overacting. I had this other, slightly crummier tattered wig [for the scene], and then they glued this gold cap onto my head, which perfectly fit the shape of my skull.I was slightly stressed at the end of the day because we were running out of time, and if it hadn’t been stressful and hot and sweaty and dirty, it would’ve been quite nice pouring this heavy liquid on. And I was thinking about how to play that. Lloyd played Viserys Targaryen in season one "Game of Thrones" HBO 2011. HARRY LLOYD: It was pretty much the last thing I shot.
Cutting off the brain? They did a cast of my head, and they made this rubber gold hat, as it were. I think it was paint with a little gelatin or something in it to make it more thick and goopy. Lloyd Christmas : This is the life... cold beer, a hot tub and paper-thin walls. He is an actor and writer, known for ...Narrator of the audiobook "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" unabridged, the 100 yrs prequel to "Game of Thrones", both written by George R.R. Harry Lloyd’s got an argument ready for why you should watch Peacock’s risky new sci-fi series, Brave New World.It has something to do with the nightmarish possibility of a “utopia” based on author Aldous Huxley 86-year-old classic. You leave it all on the floor. The final bit, I think we took the wig off. You only really get one or two attempts with the costume. All you have to do is just scream.

Then I put on a gold hat that they molded [for] the final shot. He is an actor and writer, known for ... Born: November 17, 1983 Lloyd Christmas : [after getting off the moped with Harry frozen to his back] Got a little nippy going through the pass, huh, Har? What would actually be the thing that kills you? I already had a bald cap on, which I wore under the wig. It was freezing cold … 'During our lunch, I rehearsed the breaking of the arm with stuntmen on the next-door set, which was the Iron Throne, which I thought was quite ironic.… All of the actual gold stuff was done quite quickly at the end. In the end when it happens, I just screamed. It was in Belfast, and we’re pretending we’re in this balmy desert tent. Played by Harry Lloyd Prince of House Targaryen, whose father, the "Mad" King Aerys was usurped by King Robert. Viserys lives in self-exile with his sister Daenerys and …