Very quick rounds, replay value is off the charts, and overall it really brings out the ruthlessness in some of my friends… I LOVE It. The Foreign Aid action allows him to take two coins, but the Duke can block this action.

They’re scrimping and saving to pay their Assassin. The fifteen character cards consist three each of five characters—The Duke, the Assassin, the Ambassador, the Captain, and the Contessa. In a desperate attempt to stay in control, some government leaders are publically supporting the reforms demanded by the resistance. Lose both and you’re out.The base game uses just a deck of 15 cards made up of 3 each of the following types.You only get two influence and once you lose both you’re out of the game!Notice I said legally?

Say you are The Duke and take them! Well that happened, and nine months later Coup was born.Secondly, it’s fast. Defeating an attempted coup – nonviolently. This is a nice feature when you are playing with newer gamers who feel they can’t generate strategy if they have to constantly ask about a rule.And so it continues until everyone else is knocked out.It’s marvellous fun, deceptively simple and a joy to play.Fourth, it’s pretty, the art is great (the tokens are meh).You might say you have the captain and steal two coins from another player when actually you only have the countessa and the assassin. Why would a player try to gain enough coins to perform a coup when they can assassinate a character for less than half as many coins? Remembering who did what in previous turns is essential. Depechez vous les places sont limitées ! Players may claim to influence any of the characters and use their abilities to counteract another player. You are now ready to play Coup.Is this a game you build your game night around? $4.99 0 bids + $5.00 shipping . But it is a very way to start a game night and get everyone in the right mindset…or as a way to kill time between a larger player elimination game.When you start to doubt whether or not someone is really holding the card they say they are you can challenge.

If you are looking for a game that will allow you to lie to your friends and a game that rewards the “coolest” head this is a masterpiece.Only the Income, Foreign Aid, and Coup actions can be performed LEGALLY by ANY of the 5 characters.Because you can bluff on your action and pretend to be a character.Firstly, it’s small.

The remaining cards make up the Court deck.A quick search would tell you that a “coup” is the sudden overthrow of a government. When Germans overthrew would-be dictator Wolfgang Kapp in 1920, they used a defensive strategy. The more you play, the deeper the strategies are! Then this may be for you.