Ordinary yet extraordinary, colorful and clear, Quartz crystals are the most common and abundant in the world, comprising the largest and most diverse family in the mineral kingdom. Quartz, also known as Rock Crystal, is further named after the growth types Phantom, Elestial, Double Terminated; locality Tibetan Black, Herkimer Diamond; inclusions Rutilated, Tourmalinated; artificial coatings Aqua Aura, Opal Aura; and synthetic production Siberian Blue, Green; and that's to name but a few (each has its own page).rarely small prismatic crystals, massive and as rounded river worn stonesDrag Image To Spin - Use Magnifier To EnlargeHexagonal, rhombohedral terminationsSnow Quartz helps reduce abdominal cramps, relieves pain and headaches.Snow Quartz has a soft feminine energy which can be used to balance the yin and yang energies, align and balance the chakra.Snow Quartz, also known as Milky Quartz, has a distinctive waxy feel. White Quartz – Meaning and Healing Properties. Those suffering from illness should consult with their General Practitioner in the first instance. Snow Quartz should not be confused with the rock Quartzite. Its warm energies will melt the coldness in your emotions or in your relationships with other people.It’s a powerful balancing crystal that will be of great use when you feel like you’re being swept away by the demands of life.Keeping this crystal close to your body and within your personal auric field will truly help you know its power.It will remind you to view the world with the heart and through the eyes of a child, but with the wisdom, knowledge, and experience of an adult.When you wear a Snow Quartz necklace during meditation, you are also allowing your consciousness to focus on achieving mental clarity and pure thoughts.Snow Quartz will enhance and deepen your meditative experience.It’s a sure fire way of knowing where your crystals are trying to connect to, so let them do the talking from time to time. Pick and Mix Crystals B – 6 FOR £4. It will make you recognize the responsibilities that are no longer necessary for you to keep.It will calm you down and help you harmonize whatever comes into your personal energy fields.When you feel ready, reach out and see where the stone holding your Stone Quartz feels most drawn.It will also help you let go of responsibilities that overwhelm you.This crystal will remind you that you are surrounded by magic and wonder.

This quartz has a mesmerizing look and brings health to the person who wears it. It occurs in trigonal crystal structure and its hardness is measured to be about 7 on the Mohs scale. Snow White Quartz has the meaning and properties of healing the wounds of the heart. Snow quartz and innocence are often used in the same context. Properties - Snow Quartz is better known as Milky Quartz. Snow Quartz helps with mental stress and improves mental concentration.

It is sometimes referred to as ''quartzite,'' ''white quartz'' or ''milk quartz.'' It will also continuously provide you with amazing healing energies that will be good for your body, mind, and soul.A Snow Quartz necklace will enhance your meditative state and keep you alert and sharp during moments of panic or confusion.Snow Quartz should not be confused with the rock Quartzite.Aside from being a beautiful accessory to your outfit of the day, a Snow Quartz necklace will also give you the chance to enjoy its metaphysical properties.Snow Quartz is known to help the pituitary and pineal glands, which are responsible in regulating your body’s hormonal functions.However, you won’t become too rowdy or overambitious either – that cooler head mentality will also make sure that you don’t overreach yourself, or overwork those who are working under you.Snow Quartz can also look fabulous when made into a tribal-style necklace.