This is perfect for critical listening or a situation where you do not want to disturb/be disturbed. Mixing with Sennheiser HD 280 Pros Hello, I produce a variety of music from dubstep to electro house to DNB to progressive house (think deadmau5) and so on.

NOTE: This could be a result of the cable not being plugged all the way in or it could be a faulty input or sometimes if the device you are connecting to has a case on it the case will prevent the cable plugging in correctly.The next thing to do is to check and make sure that there is no debris (ie: no dust or lint) in the headphone jack of the audio source that may be inhibiting connectivity and causing sound issues.Klapp- und drehbare Hörmuscheln für platzsparenden TransportNOTE: This procedure is the same for all the different variants of the HD 280 Series like the HMD 280-13, HMD 280-XQ, HMD 281-13, HMD 281-XQ.Der HD 280 PRO ist ein dynamischer Stereo-Kopfhörer in geschlossener Bauform, d.h. Umgebungsgeräusche werden sehr gut abgeschirmt. Im Testlabor offenbart unser Testkandidat Stärken in den Kategorien Tragekomfort und Soundqualität. Die Firma Sennheiser brachte vor recht kurzer Zeit mit dem HD 280 PRO einen Abhörmonitor der günstigeren Variante auf den Markt. Think of it as having premium speakers next to your ears that you can control the volume for with extreme precision. The first thing to do is ensure that you have the audio plug of the headphones connected securely into the audio device. Laut Sennheiser, die ihren Hauptumsatz mit Kopfhöhrern macht, eigne sich dieser Kopfhörer besonders für den Rundfunk, Studio und DJing. Continue this motion all the way around the ear pad until the ear pad is fully in place. This circle of leatherette hooks into the groove on the HD 280 PRO ear cups to hold the ear pad in place. Das bleibt aber die einzige richtig schwache Kategorie. Ein Top-Ergebnis. Some of our "closed" models include the MOMENTUM, Urbanite XL, HD 380 PRO, HD 280 PRO, HD 449 and HD 439.An open (sometimes referred to as "open aire" headphone is one that uses some external airspace to reproduce life-like audio within the ear-cup. Daher eignet sich dieser robuste Kopfhörer besonders zum Abhören von Musik und Sprache in lärmbelasteter Umgebung, z.B. Bei unserer Preis-Leistungswertung schneidet der Sennheiser HD 280 Pro zum Zeitpunkt des Tests mittelmäßig ab. Mit einseitig aufgewickeltem Kabel, drehbaren Hörmuscheln und bis zu 32 dB Geräuschdämpfung. The connecting jacks can be cleaned using a basic alcohol wipe.Robustes, einseitig geführtes SpiralkabelWith Sennheiser headphones the audio will always be accurate and responsive and is sure to please no matter what situation you need it for.Detailgetreue, lineare KlangwiedergabeTo remove the ear pads of the HD 280 PRO headphones simply pull on the ear pad until it detaches from the ear cup.If the headphones have sound in only one ear or differing sound levels in each ear or the sound in general is not what you expected then it needs to be determined where the issue lies - with the headphones or with the audio source.Please review this video ( to see how to change the ear pads of the HD 280 PRO headphones.The back side of the ear pads of the HD 280 PRO have a circle of leatherette.

The trade-off is that at extreme volumes some sound will leak out. Some of our "open aire" models include the HD 800, HD 700, HD 650, HD 600, HD 598, HD 558 and HD 518.  Komfortabler Sitz durch weiche OhrpolsterThe next thing to do is to check that the connecting jack is clean.