Please call 604-231-6404 for library card and account questions. Tests are administered on specific days.
You may take as much time as you like to complete the practice test. Easy to use and not trying to sell anything. However, you will be allowed to take the actual test only once. ... An online copy is also available from the Citizenship & Immigration Canada Web site at We have created this practice test to help you prepare for the Canadian Citizenship Test. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information supplied herein, its authors,, its employees, and associates cannot be held responsible for any damages occurring due to errors or omissions. Seeing it's from the Toronto Library you'd think the test would be interactive - Just like the Richmond Library test is! Hours & Locations Your performance has been rated as %%RATING%%You scored %%SCORE%% out of %%TOTAL%%.APNATORONTO.COM Development Team has created this powerful FREE online practice quiz engine to help you quickly prepare for the Canadian Citizenship Test. Just make sure that you read relevant books, attend Canadian citizenship classes, read study guide, practice with our free citizenship practice test and prepare yourself psychologically before sitting for the test. You received a copy of the book when you applied for citizenship. It's quick and easy using Paypal! Please call 604-231-6413 or email us for Information Services. Practice Citizenship test @ Richmond Public Library Richmond Public Library has created their own practice test. Settlement Services in Surrey Tel: 604-502-6325 Settlement workers provide information to immigrants and refugee newcomers in Surrey.
This is communicated in advance to enable you to prepare accordingly. We have 10 sections of this citizenship quiz, each section consists of 25 multiple choice questions.You must not miss your Canadian Citizenship Test unless there is a strong reason for that. Please call 778-837-6896 for 1-on-1 help from a librarian. We've reopened some locations with limited services as well as expanded takeout service. One hundred questions. ; Look up your Member of Parliament and Member of Legislative Assembly (BC) 8. ... ©2015 Richmond Hill Public Library. Thank you!Canada Citizenship Test practice exams can be fun and informative, even existing citizens can improve their knowledge of Canada. Contact Us. Link No.7-Very similar to the Richmond Public Library Canada citizenship test. Any amount is very welcome. You may take the practice test as many times as you wish.