!cherokeeI020 — Thank you so much for reading and commenting. Love what you had to say. Episode 501, The Fiery Cross , opens with a young Murtagh walking towards Lollybroch and a very young Jamie Fraser suffering the loss of his mother Ellen. Yes, I think showing up at the Ridge as maybe another character in all the escapades would be great. Seeing them ALL back together again will be so wonderful and I personally, CANNOT WAIT!!! #MurtaghLives and I trust the writers to use him in myriad ways to keep the audience engaged in this epic saga.But, what of Murtagh? He has made a memorable character from scant material I’m excited for him and for his future in the Outlander landscape! I see no reason to fix what isn’t broken.Bella — I definitely understand your concerns. Murtagh a traveler!
Sometimes several times per episode lately.

I was one of those, “please let Murtagh perish saving Jamie’s life!” people, as I believe Murtagh himself would have wanted a hero’s death, as opposed to dying old, sick and a burden to those he loved.Vicki — Oh, MY! Should he be saved? I do feel that the writers will honor the character. he is the BEST!!!!! I was sooooo happy to see Murtagh alive … miss my Roupie and Willie thoughSharon Kelly-Sammon — I love that Diana is so involved with so much of the production. Much appreciated.I was honored to meet Duncan Lacroix at a fan event in New York City this past summer, and I have to hand it to him.

Personally I think it was a brilliant move in the writer’s room for several other reasons. Now, wouldn’t that be interesting!!!! Murtagh can and should stand on his own going forward.

He had Scotland taken away from him. It’s why I never really doubt Ron Moore. It makes some sense and no, we did not see anyone at Ardsmuir named “Duncan Innes” (Gavin Hayes was there, though). Would love to see his interaction with Brianna and Roger and with Jamie and Claire as they get older.

And, the way he told it — so sweet. Yes, Duncan’s story. It’s most important to me that when Murtagh passes on that he and Jamie are together again. I hope that the writers can come up with something worthy of this amazing character.Kimber — totally onboard with everything you say. We got the answer to the first question in Episode 3.03, “All Debts Paid,” but it is worth exploring the second question, and perhaps speculating a bit on how and when we might see this character emerge once again. Again, thanks for your comments. We can hope. Second, he was extremely generous with his time with each and every fan there. Later, while Rupert is teaching Claire how to fight with a dirk, Rupert uses Murtagh's skinny back as an illustration of where to stick the knife to get the best results. It’s the way it should be. Bravo, Duncan, for keeping your wits in check and secrets kept despite multiple drams!I also hate the idea of Murtagh taking over Duncan Innes’ role as Jocasta’s husband, unless the writers plan to drastically change her personality, and therefore, her story. Jamie needed to be on his own for years for his character to develop in the ways it must during the 20 years he was apart from Claire However, Murtagh wasn’t with Jamie for very long, and his presence during the three years or so Jamie was at Ardsmuir allowed the writers to condense the story in a way they really had to during that section of the book.
My thoughts are that J & C will catch up to him when they reach the Colonies at the end of Season 3, and he will be more prevalent in Season 4. So many others distrust the White which and her bond with Jenny has been strained. I want to see the happy reunion and I can see Murtagh being on Fraser’s Ridge with Jamie, Claire and the other characters to be introduced. And into the hearts of millions. !The writers’ decision to keep Murtagh was brilliant in many ways. I would also be onboard for the 3rd scenario. I hope it is early on in Season 4. Love it!!! Very eloquently put.I like either the idea his of morphing into the Duncan Innes character, or an expansion of Murtagh, as himself, 20 plus years later. Important for him to meet Brianna, the Ellen look alike & perhaps a sunset marriage. !However I think because Duncan Innes played such a large part in the stories, and we haven’t seen him, that Murtagh will be used to fill in that story line.I really would like to see Murtagh alive until meeting Bree. He promised the love of his life, when Jaimie was just a weee lil Bairn , that he would always have Jamie’s back . I think a good balance has been struck. Hope this will be true. It is usually better to have action and one on one conversation to move the storyline than extra voice over, even though Outlander has done a great job with that technique. Thanks for reading and commenting!!! Thank you so much for reading and commenting!! And who didn’t love him laying the Duke’s head at Claire and Mary’s feet? Thank you for reading and commenting!!! The soldiers reveal that they are seeking to deliver a letter from Governor Tryon to Jamie – a letter ordering Jamie to assemble and lead a militia in order to put down the Regulators, as well as find and kill their leader, Murtagh Fitzgibbons.Murtagh is an honorable man and a confidante to his godson, Jamie. Murtagh Fraser is back, people! I love the books for the books and the show for the show and try not to mix the two too much. I can live with that!I LOVE???