Your personal lawyer will work with you to assess your needs, goals and eligibility, and guide you through your application journey, supporting you every step of the way.At IAS, our OISC-qualified experts are trained to help you and your family navigate through the process of emigrating or settling in the UK.Deciding to settle in a foreign country is the most significant step of your immigration journey.Our Deportation/Detention Application Package includes:Your dedicated lawyer will provide you with an overview of your expected processing time. Our lawyers are constantly available to offer immediate support to those who are in need, meaning that we can start working on your case within 24 hours of your enquiry or phone call.We are committed to processing your case as soon as you decide to hire one of our expert lawyers. For immigration advice in the UK, Tracy Evlogidis leads the team, working closely with the government to ensure clients are provided with guidance at the highest level. We promise to explain the procedures and timescales involved in plain English, without any unnecessary legal jargon. Immigration Lawyers UK are UK Immigration specialists. This letter, which is built upon specific case-law, immigration legislation and Home Office guidelines, will address the Home Office directly and discuss the merits of your case.Whether you wish to immigrate to the UK to work, start your business, join your family or settle as a permanent citizen, our team of immigration lawyers have all the necessary knowledge and competence to support you.All of our courses offer detailed instruction and useful tips to ensure that each candidate is adequately prepared to pass the OISC final exam.Get in touch with our team today to book your first, untimed consultation with one of our most talented experts in UK employment immigration law.This service is designed to offer complete assistance on any UK Visa application case.Call us today to discuss your case and find out what our UK immigration lawyers can do for you.Start your personalised immigration advice session and receive the answers and information you need.Although there are several competent immigration lawyers in the UK, it is essential to individuate the right professional, whose knowledge is relevant to your case.© 2020 Immigration Advice Service LTD . We are committed to working tirelessly to help our clients get their desired results and their visa.Get in touch with our team of immigration lawyers in London to learn more about our services.Otherwise, you can ask one of our immigration solicitors in London to handle your case, and liaise with the authorities on your behalf.Our immigration lawyers will remove the stress from the immigration process, maximising your chances of a successful outcome.There are several reasons why your application may be delayed. Trust your job to true experts. For this reason, we will pair you with a professional who suits your needs and who will know how to handle your case proficiently.If you are planning to visit, reside or extend your stay in the UK, our specialist advisers are here to help you and your family with our tailored immigration advice services.Yes, at IAS we are proud to offer OISC training courses, aimed at providing participants with an in-depth knowledge of UK immigration, EU and Asylum law.All our lawyers and caseworkers undergo regular accredited training to keep abreast of any changes, including Home Office policies, practices and procedures, as well as in the Immigration and Asylum Tribunal.One of our most talented immigration advisers will be assigned to you, helping you to prepare and submit your case, as well as monitor the progress of your application, liaising with the Home Office until you get your desired outcome.Our team of immigration lawyers will process your case as soon as possible, and work tirelessly until you get your desired results.