Returned items must be received by the seller or the Alibris distribution center within 60 days (75 days for buyers returning items to the distribution center from outside the contiguous US) of the item's shipping date. I also have my own site thru Chrislands, starting to get a few more sales with them. Note that the minimum flat monthly fee applies even if you do not list any inventory, and even if your inventory is on administrative or vacation hold.No, Alibris does not support or condone drop shipping. Sellers pay US$1.00 per item sold and a US$19.99 annual subscription fee as an Alibris Basic seller, instead of a flat monthly fee. If you ship your buyback order using Media Mail, we are not responsible for packages lost in transit.Your books will not be returned to you.FedEx guarantees delivery in 1-5 business days. Alibris also provides two fee programs for our sellers: Alibris Gold and Alibris Basic.
The US$1.00 fee is assessed in addition to the commissions Alibris and its partners will charge on each sale. The PurchaseNotification gets printed from the Seller Hub, and is then used as a packingslip.Alibris can process the following file types:Remember that each Alibris seller is solely responsible for keeping his or her inventory up-to-date and accurate at all times.Notice about e-mail accounts: Please note that some e-mail account services use filters and spam-blockingon all incoming messages. If we are unable to do so, we will use the primary media type you specify for your inventory listings during the application process.The Seller Services team is standing by to answer your questions.
Enter the ISBN of the book you want to sell in the search page, then select the correct edition of your book (Edition Guidelines).Confirm your book is in sellable condition (Condition Guidelines).To accept the buyback offer, add the item to your cart. Here are just a few things going for you at Alibris: List here. Purchasing insurance when shipping your buyback to us via Media Mail is highly recommended, however optional insurance for Media Mail packages is not a covered expense. Selling your books is easy! We post the Purchase Notification on the Seller Hub, and we send you a Purchase Notification by e-mail for backup. Punch in the ISBN of the book you want to sell, and it'll pop up on the website. After 6 weeks your order will be cancelled. Never forget that a bookseller is running a business and the price they will be willing to pay for your book(s) will be not be any more than 40% or 50% of the estimated value.
You should send your books within five business days of when the Buyback order was created. Please see the list below for answers to the most commonly asked questions.You may list a full range of used, hard-to-find, collectible, and new book, music, and movie products for sale with Alibris. Booksellers with fewer than 1,000 items and all music and movie sellers are eligible for our Alibris Basic program. Note that this tool is not currently available for movies and music items.To become an Alibris seller, you must:Note that Excel, tab-delimited or character-delimited files MUST includethe names of each field on the first line of the file and in the order inwhich those fields appear for the actual listings in the subsequent lines).If the field names are not present, the file may still be processed, butcould contain errors in placement of data from the fields. Many of our partner orders will have the partner's logo and order numbers on the purchase notification, as well as the partner's return instructions. To sell things, you need to sign up for an Individual Seller Account with Amazon. We may still pay you for the books, but they may not have the same value they did when the order was placed.
With this tool, you can quickly search your listings and see whichare either over or under priced. I sell mainly academic books and have just over 300 in stock - I sell about 20% each month. Every order shipped via FedEx is automatically insured up to $100.00 per package.The books that are received are graded in the condition received, and any necessary adjustments are made to the amount paid. If you do not have an item in stock, you must cancel the order. We accept almost all formats including: hardback, paperback and audio books, CDs, vinyl records, cassettes, VHS tapes, DVDs, laserdiscs, and more. Sellers pay US$1.00 per item sold and a US$19.99 annual subscription fee as an Alibris Basic seller, instead of a flat monthly fee. I pay extra to have my inventory on BookFinder and have linked the store to my store’s Facebook page.