They had heard about Christ’s power over disease, leprosy, a paralytic, a withered hand, the storm, demons, disease, even death. This can apply to not only people but processes, organizations, etc. Others of you know what it is like to be treated harshly by your own family because of your faith.
Lewis stated, “Lord, liar or lunatic,” and the people of Nazareth decided liar and lunatic, not Lord.Our zeal for His service begins to cruise into–only when it’s convenientThis guy was perplexed by the nature and source of the profound and remarkable wisdom displayed by Christ. Close friends even turn away–oh the tragedy of unbelief. The idiom “familiarity breed contempt” means knowing too much about something or someone can eventually lead you to feel resentment towards that specific thing or person.. Please do not make their mistake.It is sad and funny–the expert at a conference is usually the one who’s come from the farthest away and is the least known. We all know the old adage “Familiarity breeds contempt” - a saying that goes back as far as Publius the Syrian, in 2 BC.

But they could not get beyond history. .So they began to rehearse their objections to His ministry and to His person, growing in their rejection, and fueling their unbelief. At school or work, are there those who continually seek to mock your beliefs and tear down your faith?These amazing actions were to show them that God was at work in Christ, pointing to Him as the One who speaks for God, and points the way to God. The question is–will you believe the Bible, will you act on the Word of God, will you truly hear and heed its truths?For this morning in our continuing verse-by-verse study of the gospel of Mark, we are going to witness the tragedy of unbelief. They turned away from the only one who conquered death and showed us He could give us life now and eternal life forever. So instead of avoiding conflict, Jesus returns to the place which has already tried to kill Him. Picture yourself going home, teaching a Bible study, then having everyone at that study try to throw you off a cliff because of what you taught. Unbelief is a choice you make.’”We’ve been blown away over the last few weeks as Christ has proven his power and authority over the deep, an army of demons, and twelve-year-long disease, even death itself. Unbelief causes us to not see Christ as God incarnate who came to provide the only way to be forgiven, make us right with God and get to heaven. Pride caused them to rule out the most plausible answer–that Jesus is God.Our giving first to His church drops to only what I have left overThink about it–even when an entire community asked Him to leave, after He cast out Legion, the Lord did not react this strongly. You think through what you’re going to say to them over and over. They don’t like the attitude of the one who witnesses to them; they think most church people are hypocrites; they think the preacher is too loud or too soft, too stuffy or too overbearing; and the services are too formal or too informal. .Jesus just displayed His power over the Deep/Demons/Disease/even Death itself–so how do they respond?

I used to do this . And yet, Christ has been strongly impacted by this event.Sadly, this jaw-drop response was not excitement and belief, but an astonishment which quickly soured into cynicism and unbelief. And God is righteous in my condemnation! We will come alongside some people who should embrace Christ, but they reject Him. How did the people of Nazareth respond?He only had a few opportunities to exercise His healing power. It just sounds authoritative and judicial. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.

Therefore He wasn’t qualified for this ministry.They’re not going to see Jesus as anything other than human, and they’re going to hold this view as an ongoing evaluation. Perhaps Phillips Brooks clarified the true point of the saying when he modified it to read "familiarity breeds contempt, only with contemptible things or among contemptible people." The verb “is given” is passive, recognizing that His wisdom is a gift, not as the result of long rabbinic study. Esther 1:18 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Likewise shall the ladies of Persia and Media say this day unto all the king's princes, which have heard of the deed of the queen. It is difficult for people, who have watched a child grow up to become a prominent leader, to extend him honor and respect. .

Yo... Read verse in The Message Bible Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. A disciple, an RMG leader, a teacher, a parent, a church family–because we know people and are familiar with them, it’s easy for us to take them for granted. We will be witnesses of those who should have put their faith in Christ, but they turned away.