The primary sources are therefore the authority that you use to … The secondary sources are encyclopedias, books and journal articles.
An example would be citing conclusions such as: "overall the literature is incoherent", "there is a gap in research on ...", "future research should focus on ...", etc.This article states: "When you conduct a literature review, you will mainly cite secondary sources". Nature has shown several times that Wikipedia is actually the most accurate encyclopedia.When you do research, you have to gather information and evidence from a variety of sources.If you don’t use any primary sources, your research may be considered unoriginal or unreliable.Primary sources are the foundation of original research. Secondary sources of law are background resources. If these sources are connected to the Internet, they may also be known as online sources.Examples that can be found in hard copy in the law library as well as electronically in the databases are:The emphasis in law is on the difference between primary and secondary sources of information. Secondary sources are used to help locate primary sources of law, define legal words and phrases, or help in legal research. Secondary sources are a good way to start research and often have citations to primary sources. This is very much not the case!Secondary sources are good for gaining a full overview of your topic and understanding how other researchers have approached it. The article has been updated to reflect this :)If you do cite secondary sources that describe primary sources, what the reader will read is: "the author says that someone else said that another person said that...".A secondary source is anything that describes, interprets, evaluates, or analyzes information from primary sources. Electronic means that you can read these on a computer screen. Primary sources will usually be the main objects of your analysis.To determine if a source is primary or secondary, ask yourself:Hi Raimo! Secondary legal sources may restate the law, but they also discuss, analyze, describe, explain, or critique it as well. But when you want to cite a study, you should always consult the original (primary) source and cite this directly.If you are directly analyzing some aspect of the movie itself – for example, the cinematography, narrative techniques, or social context – the movie is a primary source.The exception? This is not so! They complement each other to help you build a convincing argument. Secondary sources provide second-hand information and commentary from other researchers. They allow you to:Articles in newspapers and magazines can be primary or secondary depending on the focus of your research.To determine if something can be used as a primary or secondary source in your research, there are some simple questions you can ask yourself: Primary legal sources are the actual law in the form of constitutions, court cases, statutes, and administrative rules and regulations. Because it is a secondary source. A primary source gives you direct access to the subject of your research. In short, anything … A secondary source describes, interprets, or synthesizes primary sources. scholarly books and articles, as opposed to archival documents or artistic works). Primary sources are direct from an event or original source, such as the Declaration of Independence, and secondary sources are anything written about something that isn't the primary account of whatever the source is referencing, such as textbooks discussing the Declaration.

They often synthesize a large number of primary sources that would be difficult and time-consuming to gather by yourself. They explain, interpret and analyze. They include encyclopedias, law reviews, treatises, restatements. Primary law is the law in effect in our Statutes and decision of courts.