1 – Catrice Urban Baroque LE – C01 Pearls & Chains 2 – C03 Princess & Ballerina 3 – C02 Rock Barock 4 – H&M Bleached Peach

Neither show outright directs the opinion we're supposed to have on these characters so "is Sally supposed to be so unlikeable?" is a valid and interesting question.Bitch? To kiss him and say all that lovey-dovey shit then say I'll pencil you in tomorrow but not too late because I'm having drinks with someone else tonight...?
He can't act his way into a solid relationship and an ideal life. Or just as self-involved as Barry? Sally is a hot dog bun who becomes the girlfriend of Barry in Sausage Party and voiced by Nicole Oliver. I can't take people seriously when they say how evil Barry is. Barry cancelled his shit to go be with Sally the night she called him asking him to comfort her, now she can't be with him after tonight? So I approach Sally with a different mindset now, but yeah still really self absorbed and kinda ignorant lol.Feels like Skylar vs. Walter White all over again.The flaw with the Skylar comparison is that Skylar's actions were justified by her situation, whereas Sally is a self absorbed drama queen before Barry even enters her life. “He doesn’t see her narcissism or the way she takes advantage of him, because he is also projecting his idea of what he thinks a perfect woman is [onto her].”Sally winds up meeting with the show-runner, but turning down the TV role he wants to offer her. So what?Assuming you don't, do you think Sally loves him or is just happy with their "friendship" right now and feels empowered by his fondness?
Just runs away... with HIS UNBIRN BABY INSIDE HER! (I just finished season 1 and holy fuck. Also she gets pregnant like that always talked about and acts all excited to start a family. Sally slaps Barry right before they go onstage—which may have had goaded him to the finale's awful violence. This isn't Walter White, who turned himself into a ruthless killer to fuel his ego and tore apart his family while fooling himself he was doing it for them. Sally sees acting as a religion and a form of therapy, and she’s “going to these classes for some sort of catharsis.”The season ends with Sally in a conundrum: the lie that is “suffocating” her is now the thing that’s gotten her what she’s always wanted. I think she's yet another example of screenwriters confusing strong with selfish and cold when it comes to women.It’s Raylan and Winona. It’s not just the inherent difficulty of expressing internal emotions via external movements, or the subtlety required to pull that off without defaulting to exaggeration, but it’s also a more precise representation of how many people engage with the larger world. His entire relationship with her is built on liesMaybe you're right, though. And in the theatrical showcase for her drama class, she finds that she can’t perform the scene as she wrote it.

In a way it's what makes her relationship with Barry possible. The key line, Goldberg said—the moment that truly reflects the reality of her marriage—is “that she never felt more loved than when he was apologizing to her.”“They will always run things about Sally by me,” Goldberg added. “She feels that Barry thinks that she’s the greatest actress in the world. One morning at Bourton, Sally angrily told Hugh he represented the worst of the English middle class and that he was to blame for the plight of the young girls in Piccadilly. She gives him a kiss goodbye. I think it's pretty shitty for her to inflate what appears to be a simply superficial relationship from her point of view.The reason people point out that Skylar and Sally suck is because those are statements about something ambiguous enough to actually have a conversation about. Call me dumb or chalk it up to toxic masculinity, but I've struggled with women treating my vulnerable commitment to the current state of the relationship as expendable.Of course Barry is worse than Sally.

If I thought was such a shitty, sub-human person who could never overcome himself than I wouldn't be watching. To kiss him and say all that lovey-dovey shit then say I'll pencil you in tomorrow but not too late because I'm having drinks with someone else tonight...? I think that you regress.” She made the argument that Sally would become a younger, less self-assured version of herself when faced with Sam. Or to spiral further and further into loneliness, mafia murder, and depression?