For example, Everyone had a great time at the party.

How to find it?, well do a search of all your documents, looking for that word or words or sentence, in other words, look for a string or strings. Example sentences with the word word. How to use phrase in a sentence. talhaaleemsal906 19.08.2019 English Secondary School +5 pts. Using synonyms isn't always enough to come across as a pro, Sentence Rephraser also adds missing words, completes fragmented sentences and fixes spelling mistakes all in accordance with the context of your sentence. Dictionary ... Princess Mary could not quite make out what he had said, but from his look it was clear that he had uttered a tender caressing word such as …

Examples of phrases are:“Because we care, we are security aware !”It is generally accepted that there are five major types of phrases in the English language, one for each of the main parts of speech. together the words in a phrase can form a noun, verb, adverb or adjective.

Two examples of phrases are:Phrases can’t be used alone, but you can use them as part of a sentence, where they are used as parts of speech.While clauses, phrases and sentences might seem very similar at first, on closer look you can start to see how they function very differently. Learning the difference between them will help you make a lot more sense of English grammar, and will be very useful to improve your written English.A complete sentence has a subject and predicate, and can often be composed of more than one clause. With Facebook increasing in popularity, you find many talents coming up with really short, random phrases as their status messages.

Sometimes you remember a phrase or a given word or words, you put in a document, but you do not remember the name of the document. Look around you, there will be plenty of graffiti posted on walls with a few cool, random words.

kook. This isn’t always the case, and some clauses can’t be used on their own – these are called subordinate clauses, and need to be used with an independent clause to complete their meaning.More complex sentences can combine multiple clauses or phrases to add additional information about what is described. Let's see an example of the output in my PCFirst the easy case, you know the exact sentence, you are looking for, and you at least remember the folder where the file is.If you enjoyed the article, please share itIf you are using Linux, you have grep to help on this job.Now, let's suppose you do not know if the sentence was in uppercase or in lowercase, so ask grep to ignore case.As you can see there are some binary files, also scanned, if we want to avoid that:Now, thanks to computers this is easier now, than it was in our parents' days.Well, let's suppose you have a lot of sub-folders, and you do not remember where your file is.Finally, I just want the file names, and not the sentences where the sentence or word appears.Sometimes you remember a phrase or a given word or words, you put in a document, but you do not remember the name of the document.

Clauses, phrases and sentences are very similar, but they do have different roles. I’d like to illustrate this point by showing you… Let the pictures speak for themselves. With one simple click users can rephrase a sentence with word synonyms, antonyms, idioms and phrases.With Ginger's Sentence Rephraser you can now express yourself better everywhere you write. And a word of caution. word example sentences.

This is a structure that must contain a verb, and it tells you something about what the subject is doing.Words can be grouped together, but without a subject or a verb.